I’ve spent the past few hours playing around with trying to export Drupal posts through XML or RSS into WordPress. However, I’ve run into a problem where I can only import posts from Performancing through the Feedburner XML file. This results in posts successfully being imported into WordPress with all of the FeedFlare options. Not only that, the links within the posts (when linked to older posts on the same blog) show up as FeedBurner URLs. So, I’ve spent some time trying my best to figure out of you can disable the FeedBurner redirect so that I can get access to the raw XML file being produced by Performancing but for the life of me, I can’t find one.
You simply can’t turn FeedBurner off. Sure, we could delete the feed from FB but then we risk losing all of the RSS stats and if we create a new feed, we would have to redirect readers to the new Feed address. What an unnecessary pain in the rear.
Knowing that many readers of Performancing use FeedBurner on a daily basis, have you noticed anyway to temporarily disable the redirection service? If not, does this mean that those who have used FeedBurner for an extended amount of time are locked into the service when a need for access to the raw XML file is needed?
Currently for a Google service I was forced to disable Feedburner. Since there is nothing like disable or toggle Feedburner, I had to compete remove my feedburner feeds.
This is a silly post. The only way your problem could be real would be if FeedBurner magically scraped up your site on its own to produce the feed instead of consuming your real XML RSS feed. It’s not a scraper, it’s just a proxy! In order to function, FeedBurner is downloading an RSS feed from your Drupal install, which means you have an RSS feed, on your own server, that you can get to. Deleting your feed from FeedBurner would not change a thing.
If you’re having trouble accessing it in your browser, it means you have some kind of code in there (a plugin I imagine, if that’s what Drupal calls modifications) doing a redirect based on you not being FeedBurner but some other person that wants the feed. Turn off that code, and you can get at your real RSS.
Just did some more searching.. if you’re using the Feedburner module for drupal, just disable it temporarily. That should stop your server from redirecting you when you try to access the real feed directly, and since all your subscribe links point to the feedburner url, disabling it shouldn’t prevent any new rss signups.
I think you’re approaching this from the wrong direction. I’m not a drupal expert, but here goes:
I’m guessing you’ve tried opening the xml file from your server that feedburner is working with and that’s redirecting you to the feedburner feed? If that’s the case, that’s on the drupal side and should be configurable within the control panel. Or you could ftp to your webserver and download the xml file (assuming that it’s not being dynamically generated by drupal.)
That said, that’s not a very effective way to migrate a blog. For one thing, you’re going to lose all your comments. The best route would be to export straight from the database. A quick google turns up the following 2 links: http://spindrop.us/2006/05/19/migrating-from-drupal-47-to-wordpress/ and http://www.rufuspollock.org/2005/10/10/migrating-drupal-to-wordpress/