Introducing PerfCast: A weekly podcast from Performancing

Today marks the official launch of Performancing’s PerfCast, a weekly podcast on blogging and monetization. The show features a weekly conversation between Chris Garrett and Ryan Caldwell (that’s me) and many of the shows will also include a guest.

Our hope is to share some of the knowledge we’ve acquired in our own experiences with the greater blogging community. So if you have any ideas for topics that we could cover, please don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments.

In the first episode Chris and Ryan talk about How to Build a Powerful Blog.

Be sure to let us know what you think!

6 thoughts on “Introducing PerfCast: A weekly podcast from Performancing

  1. We have submitted it to itunes but don’t know how long will take to show. You can add via the itunes app now though

  2. It’s good to actually hear your voice. Once I hear a voice I find reading content after is always better because I hear it being read out load in my head.

    I am looking forward to your next PerfCast.

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