My cousin Darryl just dropped me a line to say Intel had launched a new corporate blog. We don’t normally cover corporate blogging to any great degree but it’s Intel right? Kind of interesting to a few folks I reckon.
I like the meet the bloggers page, they all have wonderfully long and incomprehensible job titles — very spiffy….
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I’d love to be the corporate blogger for my new job – but given that I’ll be working in an area that is very security conscious (as well as neccessarily very data protection heavy) I can’t see it happening. On the other hand, maybe approaching them to find out wouldn’t do any harm. Anyone had any experience of doing just that with an employer?
I hold the same opinion on corporate blogs, but it doesn’t seem to be a strong topic here despite several posts.
I will say there’s a sizable educational component associated with pitching blogs to businesses. I have faith the process will pay off, but there’s often significant barriers to overcome. Good luck!
Personally, I would be interested in hearing more about corporate blogs. Probably the best way to get paid for blogging I can think of.
Thanks for that Josh, the new blog does look good.
I’ve been on an RSS reader free diet of late but I need to login and see what kind of hard-time the blog-mafia are giving you guys for breaking into their space hhh!
Thanks for noticing (and say Hi to Darryl – he told me he was your cousin one day in a meeting, when I was raving about how much I love Performancing :-).
There are other Intel blogs from the Software group –
There are also two anonymous/pseudonymous Intel bloggers at and
And of course, there are individual Intel bloggers, like myself, who talk about Intel issues on our own blogs, Scoble-style.
But we’re excited to have a “high profile” Intel blog out there now. Next step: get a whole lot more of them! 🙂
Josh Bancroft