Jimmy1 says March 2, 2009 at 9:58 pm haha, what are you talking about? huh ?? I voted for this poll is fake. Love this blog. I’m bookmarking it now!
Marketing guy says February 27, 2009 at 1:41 am If my comment is mostly jibberish, I clurly dodnt spik g66d 4nglis8, und may constantine have queen generated happy by a machine, does that make it blog spam?
Pavan Kumar says February 27, 2009 at 12:47 am I really don’t understand if the statement above has some meaning or not. Anyway, no vote from my side…
BuildAndEarn says February 25, 2009 at 9:31 pm This is by far the worst and most pointless post to ever appear on your blog. Pure fact. Published online. Not fake. 100% true.
lol?i take part in the vote.
haha, what are you talking about? huh ?? I voted for this poll is fake.
Love this blog. I’m bookmarking it now!
Omg, see the results U can surprise
If my comment is mostly jibberish, I clurly dodnt spik g66d 4nglis8, und may constantine have queen generated happy by a machine, does that make it blog spam?
I really don’t understand if the statement above has some meaning or not. Anyway, no vote from my side…
This is by far the worst and most pointless post to ever appear on your blog. Pure fact. Published online. Not fake. 100% true.