Google Desktop Meets Performancing Metrics

We’ve spent all day today in a thread discussing a very cool new use of the Performancing Metrics API. A neat plugin for Google Desktop.

You can download and try gdPMetrics here courtesty of Performancing member geniosity. There’s also a whole bunch of screenshots on there aswell.

Do let us all know what you think, and if you create cool things with the Metrics API, be sure to let us know. Next week sometime we will put up a dedicated page that will point to all the things folks make!

Well done, and thanks geniosity!

5 thoughts on “Google Desktop Meets Performancing Metrics

  1. Ok guys, lets stay on topic please.

    I’d like to hear anything anyone has to say about the functionality of this app, feature requests, suggestions and so forth…

  2. The problem is where the index does or doesn’t end up, including in the hands of Washington, when they finally successfully subpoena Google.

    A good folder/ directory structure and a bit of thought, along with most OSes native search feature will more than suffice most of the time.

  3. Isn’t indexing your private documents the whole point of installing a desktop search tool, though?

  4. Don’t use anything similar to Google Desktop, unless you want all of your private documents indexed. Alarmist? Damn right.

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