Kiltak at Geeks Are Sexy won the Performancing Treasure Hunt (by a far margin, I might add – he smoked everyone else).
As part of his reward, Performancing Services wrote a linkbait for his site called 12 Reasons A Geek Will Steal Your Girlfriend in 2008.
While the article didn’t make it onto the front page of Digg, it actually has taken on a life of its own (the goal of any linkbait, really).
While the solid set of backlinks rock, we personally think that the major success of this linkbait was the branding. All of my friends and their brothers’s sister knows about this article (the brother’s sister hates it, but that’s ok).
In fact, just yesterday it appears that the article got transformed into a really cool video that goes by the same title:
So the next time you write a linkbait ask yourself “Is this good enough to be made into a video?” Because if the answer is yes, you can double your chances of linkbait success.
Oh yeah… if you’re looking for high-end linkbait production, with tight social media connections, make sure to check out Performancing Services.
I have yet to find a TOP POST on Digg, that doesnt have a barrage of negative comments on it.
I think when you get those, it is the equivalent of a celebrity making it on a tabloid mag.
It’s good.
G.A.S.: That kind of behavior is actually very normal for the best linkbait. Controversy always brings response. Pure, boring facts don’t.
All digg and youtube comments are absolutely destroying the vid.. but the digg count brought the article in the “top dugg” section of digg..
gotta love the irony.
videobait went front page.
And the video too