The first episode of Perfcast went off without a hitch. While discussing WordPress, Lloyd Budd, (who is NOT a core developer) called in. Be sure to tune into next weeks episode and participate live.
Are You Trustworthy – CopyBlogger
Stop Blaming The WordPress Team –
Monetization Of Twitter – Peformancing
Blogging Internships – TheBlogHerald
Liz Strauss Comment Counter Creates Controversy – TheBlogHerald
LISTENER FEEDBACK – None – We love hearing what you, our audience, thinks of the show, as well as the blogging industry. If you have something to say, please contact us at (perfcast at gmail dot com)
Each week, David and I like to look at the jobs available in blogging and related industries. We cover jobs that catch our eye, and hopefully don’t pay too poorly. We will feature one of these jobs on each episode of Perfcast.
BLOGGING JOB OF THE WEEK – Business/Tech Satire Writer
BLOGGING CHALLENGE – Thank your top five commenter’s.
The blogging challenge is provided as a means of challenging yourself with a specific duty each week. David and I will be participating in each challenge and will be highlighting various entries from the previous challenge. To have your entry viewed by David and I, leave a comment with a link to your entry on this blog post. You may be the entry we review on the next episode.
NEXT EPISODE – Thursday September 4th, 2008 at 7 P.M. EST
WTF Blog Design Clutter Series By Lorelle Van Fossen
WordPress Plugin Called Podcasting
Jeff Chandlers Stats Page
WP-Stats – The Plugin Which Generates The Stats Page
Well, I get him confused with Peter Westwood (who is a core developer) with Lloyd Budd all of the time. Lloyd does more bug tracking, testing, and support than programming it seems from discussions with him. I think he knows PHP, but just doesn’t want to tell anyone that he is a code ninja. Do code ninjas retire?
Took me a while to figure out Lloyd isn’t a core developer also. Just thought it was funny, “And that was Lloyd Budd who is a core developer…” I’m thinking, “Hmm, I wonder if he corrected you in the chat or didn’t hear that part when the ‘You are now muted’ came on.” I’ll be there next time to correct you live, in the chat, I’m not going to be calling in.
Ouch, I goofed up on that one. I made the correction in the post but the error shall live in infamy within the podcast 🙁
Lloyd Budd is not a core developer, he works at Automattic yes, but does not have commit access (that is on record) to the WordPress repository.
I look forward to listening to the podcast!