In order to better reflect where Performancing is going, and in light of the launch of the Partners blog advertising network, we’ve rolled out stage one of a new site design.
One of the main design gripes we’ve all had at Performancing for some time is that it’s just not clear what you can do here, and what we’re all about. Hopefully the restoration of the body widgets on most pages will help give people a clearer idea of what Performanicng is, and give existing members a fast, more obvious route to major destinations in the site.
Changes yet to come…
Over the coming days/weeks you’ll see more of the site slowly change and improve, but also you’ll see more concentration going into the blogging and support forums and the phasing out of member blogs. The forums seem to work best for us, and what you’ll see on the homepage from now on will be 99% company/product blogging, leaving the general blogging tips/tricks to the forums where even now, some of the better contributions are found.
As always, you’re opinions are most welcome, so do tell….
powered by performancing firefox
Thanks Raj. Guess I should have thought to look at the footer!
There is a text menu at the very bottom of every page. There’s a link there to Perf Metrics.
Unless I’m missing it, there is no easy way to access Metrics now. I finally tried adding /metrics to the homepage URL. Fortunately it worked!
you can get to it in the footer for right now, as i said above it will be fixed shortly.
I know I should have my metrics page bookmarked, but I usually come to the homepage first and then check my stats. Where have you hidden the link? It used to be in the user panel and the top menu but I can’t see it there now.
No, we wont be deleting them. Thanks for the headsup on the low rez!
So if we have a member blog, we need to go on and copy and save our entries, no? I assume y’all will be deleting them?
Also, the titlebar is a mess at 800×600 resolution. My big monitor burned-out and I am using a smaller one, so I switched res to avoid headaches and at the lower res, all the titles are jumbled one on the other.
Just a quick note: I know we’re missing a couple of key items being linked now. I’ll get this sorted first thing in the morning, we had to roll some code to fix a small but a little earlier than expected adn got caught with a half done nav
sorry for any confusion, it’ll be fixed shortly.
Oh right, no. Im talking about our products…
Well, I have no clue what you mean by “company/product” blogging. Not critical that you explain; just curious. Are you talking about company profiles and product reviews?
Im not sure how much more i could elaborate, what would you like to know?
Care to elaborate, Nick? Or is this a secret
I got the theme working fine in Firefox 2, Safari, and Opera.
Nav is playing nicely in Safari now. Can someone confirm it’s good to go in Opera?
@Anni – Firefox is usually pretty good with images – it’s just not so good with CSS files
I like the brighter colour on the header, but I don’t remember the comment boxes being so stark. I’d be interested to see how your design changes pan out, because I’ve always been concerned that your Drupal system is a bit confusing as to where the main content is!
so my browser is being lazy and ignoring the “no cache”, Firefox and I will have a serious talk!
If anyone is seeing the performancing logo with scattered pixels around it on top of a light blue background, just refresh your browser. That is happening because the images in the nav have changed, but their file names haven’t, so the browser is serving up the cached (old) graphics.
Thanks for the heads-up Anni
No, the banner has changed again. The one I was commenting on earlier had the logo against a light-blue background, and it looked as if someone had tried to clear a white background on the logo, but not done a very good job, so there was white pixels scattered about the Performancing bit of the logo. But nevermind, it’s not there anymore, must have caught it in between changes. and no I haven’t been drinking!
Anni what are these rogue white pixels of which you speak?
I’m assuming you mean the 1 pixel stroke around the “p” which is there to make the drop-shadow more defined?
It’s the same effect which is applied to the speech bubble in the “Earn” graphic below the nav…
Ah, but I should say that it all sounds wonderful and exciting.
I’d been wondering. There are also display issues in Opera (top menu is jammed to the left over the tagline) and FireFox (logo/top menu bar are about 300 pixels below the top menu). CSS fun, eh?
The top menu system is spazzed in Safari
In my humble opinion your planned direction makes perfect sense.
Just one small “critique” of your new logo at the top. It needs to be cleaned up, it has rogue white pixels everywhere. (yes I’m a nerd about these things).