Twenty-five years ago, there was no reason for most people to know much about mass media law. Unless you worked in television, print journalism, radio or some other mass media, you had little reason study the laws that governed them.
However, with the Web, everyone is a publisher. Suddenly, the obscure and arcane areas of law that only impacted radio DJs and news reporters now applies to everyone who runs a blog, posts to a forum or even just uses social networking.
Simply put, everyone now has an audience, no matter how big or small, and with that audience comes responsibilities, both legal and ethical.
But, if you’re a blogger wanting to ensure that you avoid legal trouble, there’s a lot of legal ground to cover. But if you’re looking for a place to start, here are the five areas of law you may want to hit the books on today, and the five areas I’ll be covering in more detail moving forward on this site. [Read more…] about 5 Areas of Law Every Webmaster Needs to Know