I’m sad to report that my Related Posts plugin for WordPress which was created by W-A-S-A-B-I no longer fits the bill with WordPress 2.7. This means I had to replace an old favorite with a new plugin that provided related posts. Upon browsing through the plugin repository, I came across one that I’ve heard about throughout the community called YARPP or, Yet Another Related Posts Plugin.
I found YARPP easy to configure and was happy to know that it comes bundled with a widget that I can place in my sidebar. YARPP has two critical elements. The first being that it limits the amount of related posts to display and the second, displays posts based on a relatedness score that is configurable. The relatedness score is what is called a match threshold. With various options, you can configure how tight or how loose that threshold score is by editing titles, bodies, tags, and categories.
Last but not least, you can also configure the output of the plugin by adding bits of html to the before and after sections of the related posts. As a bonus, YARPP also has a new option to display related posts in the RSS feed. If you’re not using a FeedBurner FeedFlare to provide this functionality, this plugin makes a nice substitute.
All in all, I think I can qualify this plugin as my new recommendation to others who are looking for a way to display related posts on their WordPress blog. How about you? Which related posts technique or plugin are you using?
You write about this plugin -but you don’t use it.
Good so, i don’t like these contex based related post plugins too.
What ever the content analysis algorithms are and how ever the configuration options used, resulting related post lists are mostly just a bullshitt.
Read about the alternative way:
I’ve been using Plug-in for Word Press, so far I configure my homepage no problem and I enjoy it very much
thanks for sharing. i am new to wordpress and i am amazed from the wariety of pluggins.. one plugin for every need
Jeff, I’m going to shill for a few seconds here. 😉 Give our top posts plugin a try, you can see the preview here: http://www.postrank.com/feed/0fa5e93bde736170c9a26563e9ff5646
And you can also learn more and customize the widget by visiting: http://postrank.com/publishers
Happy holidays!
now i still configure my site and then i found this plugin for show related post in my site, i want to try this plug in and try to added in my site. Thank to your information …
Right now I use my own hacked version of Microkid’s Related Posts (version 2.1). There is a newer version, but I am pretty content with the modifications that I made to this one, and don’t see the point of upgrading. And 2.2 is compatible with WP 2.7
I currently use, and love YARPP! You can set it just the way you want it to perform.
One problem though. Maybe it’s just my site, but when using the Related Posts in RSS option, I noticed that my feed does not validate properly. In the meantime, I just turn that option off.
@Ajay – For the first time, the link that I click on in order to populate the database table didn’t work. I figured what the heck. Instead of doing it manually, find an updated plugin that works and that is how I found YARPP. Comes with a widget too!
@Patrick – I can’t remember if I did or not. But I am now! It’s funny, when I first started using tags, I ended up loaded each post with 5-10 tags. Too many for this day in age!
I’ve been using YARPP and I love it for one main reason. When I started blogging, I never really used tags.
And when they finally came to WordPress, I had 500+ posts with no tags. And most of the ‘related’ plugins seemed to use tags for relatedness.
So this one, which can use the actual body of my posts, is great. And farily accurate in most cases.
I thought you recommeneded this plugin in ‘that other’ podcast. Am I mistaken?
Why does the one by W-A-S-A-B-I no longer fit the bill?
I am using it on my WP2.7 blogs and they are fine.
Or, am I missing something out?