Joel Falconer of has put together a great list of 10 reasons why you should write something every day. Some of the reasons in this list include, know what you want, get away from technology, enhance your communication skills, and turning the noise off. One thing to keep in mind is that the article discusses why you should write every day and doesn’t necessarily mean you should publish what you wrote, every day. Although it doesn’t sound difficult, writing every single day of the week, even if it is just one blog post can become quite a challenge. However, I believe it is an even bigger challenge when you go a few days without writing anything, and then you have to get back into the groove.
Asides from the list published on, what are some other reasons in which a person should write every day?
I’ve also recently been experiencing a problem where I think about an article I want to write but I think about it so much that I never get to the part where I write about it. How do you solve that particular problem?
Writing everyday can be difficult, but it can definitely be beneficial if you are willing to stick at it.
I am not writing articles every day, but in recent free time to see the written information!
Ouch. That is an excellent point you bring up. Although, I’m an index finger junkie when it comes to typing on the keyboard, I can do so at a relatively fast clip. People always seemed to be impressed with how fast I type and I bet you, writing blog posts, instant messaging and using forums has a lot to do with my typing speed. It doesn’t do much for typos but at least I can get the job done quickly.
That article has most of the reasons covered. But one thing that they left out is typing skills. I have the fastest and most accurate typing skills in my office of 40 workers. I barely beat out some other web geek that hangs out on forums all day. And because I can type so fast, finish any work that requires documentation a lot quicker (or) fit more work in the work day. Can you believe we hire people that don’t even know how to type and I’m in the computer field???
Excellent point. However, sometimes it is really difficult to take thoughts and put them into words. While writing blog posts, I tend to write and rewrite until I get my thought structure in the correct sequence. This makes it even more difficult for me to take thoughts from my mind and put them on paper. I can’t seem to just write and organize later.
One very important benefit I get from writing every day is that I know for sure what I think about whatever is on my mind. It’s possible to keep ideas “fuzzy” when merely thinking, but writing forces you to put those ideas into words. And putting ideas into words requires figuring out exactly what you think. In this sense, writing is an effective element of critical thinking.
Hey! It’s a nice suggestion! If you are technically sound it will take not more than 20 min to write a single blog post.
if you have a blog regular update of your blog is required other wise google bot activity becomes very less
great article…. So important to keep writing even when we dont feel like it!
Hey Justin, how are things with you? I get your point about Everyday versus Every Day and I’ll make the correction in the post content. However, I won’t be able to change the permalink structure as it will break the URL. Drupal 5.3 doesn’t have a nice way of changing the title without changing the permalink.
Because I am paid to write for Performancing, I try to hammer out one-three articles per day. I really enjoyed writing for myself on when I had no pressure and was free to write about anything that was of interest to me. Now, with two podcasts under my belt and different sites hiring me to write for them, I am finding it increasingly difficult to publish on my own domain. The Performancing job keeps me writing everyday and I am also a regular member of The Hive. The forum allows me to write quick thoughts without much pressure and allows me to keep the writing flow going.
As for writing being rewarding, it certainly is when the words flow exactly as you wanted them to and everyone understands the meaning of the words without explanation. Those times when thoughts from within my head are easily transferred into print are special to me. Those moments do not happen often but they are awesome when they do.
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment Justin.
This is true. There are so many days of the week in which I don’t feel like writing anything. However, if I let those days get to me, getting back into the groove of things will become that much harder.
I feel you should write everyday for your blog…It helps in gaining traffic and increase in the number of returning visitors…
I write every day to avoid writing articles with misspellings such as using “everyday” instead of “every day.” You know, honing my skills.
Don’t hate your English major friend, Jeff. 😉
Honestly, I write every day because I enjoy writing. I don’t always write online, but I generally write something. This might be something on my book that I’ll never finish or a journal entry about life in a foreign country.
Writing is a bit freeing. It allows you to relax, taking the pressures of everyday life away. If you manage not to be a grammar Nazi (like me), it can be a fun experience.
I agree that it is tough getting “back into the groove” after a few days. Writing is challenging, but it can be rewarding.
Now, let me read through my comment here to make sure I don’t have any grammatical errors.
wow, that was a great article! So important to keep writing even when we dont feel like it!
The article provides great information. It’s a guide for everyone interested in writing especially students and beginners. Students don’t need to buy essay if they’ve already learned the basics. It helps everyone seeking tips and advice regarding writing.
Personally I have read this post and I think it is a pretty decent article.
It helps writers/bloggers like me think about what we write a little more