Is there a WordPress function that will return the theme that’s currently being used?
I’m sorta desperate here;-) Maybe you can figure out why by playing around
Reader Interactions
Ryan Caldwellsays
I think HandySolo wins the prize, though Raj later got it exactly. $10 to both of you. PM me your paypal addresses and I’ll send the money.
“You appear to have some theme specific content in that announcement post.”
Yep, Photopress can handle 640px wide images and the other themes can’t.
Raj Dashsays
Okay, it is part of the theme switcher, but I noticed you’re showing two images in Photopress but one in the others, and different sizes.
Ryan Caldwellsays
Raj, nope. But think about why I might want to display content in one theme but not another;-) Go to and browse through the themes. Pay special attention to anything that changes.
Raj Dashsays
It’s cause you’re building a theme switcher?
so let me be more specific. You appear to have some theme specific content in that announcement post.
Hark – a new theme cometh!
Ryan Caldwellsays
Ten dollars to the first person who can figure out why I needed this theme based logic.
Ryan Caldwellsays
Sweet. I figured it out.
First, I downloaded the Exec-PHP plugin. Second, I included the following code inside of a WordPress post:
I think HandySolo wins the prize, though Raj later got it exactly. $10 to both of you. PM me your paypal addresses and I’ll send the money.
“You appear to have some theme specific content in that announcement post.”
Yep, Photopress can handle 640px wide images and the other themes can’t.
Okay, it is part of the theme switcher, but I noticed you’re showing two images in Photopress but one in the others, and different sizes.
Raj, nope. But think about why I might want to display content in one theme but not another;-) Go to and browse through the themes. Pay special attention to anything that changes.
It’s cause you’re building a theme switcher?
so let me be more specific. You appear to have some theme specific content in that announcement post.
Hark – a new theme cometh!
Ten dollars to the first person who can figure out why I needed this theme based logic.
Sweet. I figured it out.
First, I downloaded the Exec-PHP plugin. Second, I included the following code inside of a WordPress post:
[?php if (ts_get_theme()==”Photopress”){ ?]
[?php } ?]
Replace the square brackets with angled brackets.
Can anyone guess why I had needed this at