Based on previous link dumps, it would appear as though you folks appreciate these types of posts. Therefor, I’ll continue to do them as long as you continue to enjoy them. As I’ve mentioned in previous link dumps, I have a ton of stuff in my RSS reader and I can’t possibly blog about every single item. For whatever reason, many blog authors scoff at the thought of linking out to so many different places but I think it builds community. At any rate, lets go around the horn.
Batch editing for posts and pages is officially in WordPress 2.7
We Are Who We Were – Thoughtful post by Liz Struass highlighting the fact that the past is who we are.
Know Your Performance Numbers – Lorelle Van Fossen expresses what she learned from the How To Hire A Professional Blogger For Your Business session at the Blog World Expo. Looks like bloggers have to know just as much about perfomance numbers as the blog owner in order to figure out what it takes to make money.
Old Media Purchasing And Syndicating New Media – ReadWriteWeb, Venturebeat and other GigaOmni network properties will be syndicated in the NYTimes Technology channel. That is impressive.
Twitter 101 – Connie Bensen describes how to find interesting people on Twitter, building a community through Twitter and also mentions the various brands on the service.
Entrecard Banned By StumbleUpon – Entrecard looks like they barked up the wrong tree as the Quick Online Tips blog discovers that the entire EntreCard domain has been blocked.
New Guidelines in store for bloggers in the Army – If you’re in the Army, blogging or conversing in online forums is not the wild wild west. Looks like there are new guidelines in store to differentiate what is and what is not acceptable for members of the military to write about.
How Friendly Will A URL Ever Be? – Sam Phillips tackles the subject of friendly URLs but the post seems to focus more on domains than URLs.
That is the same way I feel Julie. Nice to give a roundup of things to talk about every once in awhile.
Thanks for the links. I enjoyed checking them out. Always great to see what else is “out there”