Upcoming in Performancing for Firefox

As we’ve talked about before, the next version of Performancing for Firefox is just around the corner.
Originally it was going to be a quick release to add Arabic Localization, Right-to-Left (RTL) support and the Publishing options bug fix, however we have decided to go a bit farther for this release.

New in the upcoming release:

  1. Localization (more languages)
  2. Right-to-Left (RTL) support
  3. API for easy customising
  4. API for easy skinning (more on these last two below)

As Nick recently mentioned we are looking for translating partners so that this next version of PFF can reach a larger group of users in their own language.

Specifically if you know of, or work with a non-english Blogging community that would be interested in promoting PFF and assisting with the translation, send them our way. Even if you don’t, individual translators are welcome and encouraged to sign up and help out.

We are aiming to finalize the UI strings by the end of the weekend so leave a comment, or PM me if you are interested.

The Current Localization Teams Are:


  • Bobby


  • Jo’o
  • Ricardo
  • Nuno
  • Leo


  • Eljo
  • Ruben


  • Nicola


  • Simon


  • Thorsten


  • Mariano
  • Jed Brown


  • Kar


  • mersenne


  • Done!

As you can see, there are still plenty of languages that are missing.

Theme (skin) API

One of the new features will be CSS themes.
Basically we will allow you to easily create a new .CSS file and load it into PFF to change the way it looks. The main idea here is to have fun customizing pff’s look with the possibility of creating a new default pff theme.

Customization API

As with the Skin API, we’d like to make it easy for the comunity to ‘extend’ PFF and create new tabs with your own content.
The key here is to make it easy to add content, yet provide the user with control to easily install, enable and disable them.
A few simple examples someone could create off the top of my head

  • Embed FireFTP in PFF
  • Add an EBAY tab to track your auctions
  • Web Authoring tools for easy blogging like color pickers, css references, etc.
  • You idea here!…

We are interested in your feedback and if you’d find this useful at all or have any suggestions.

powered by performancing firefox

4 thoughts on “Upcoming in Performancing for Firefox

  1. Markus, abhin,

    Yes, those features are still on the pipeline .

    Again this release is going to be a quick bug fix + localization build with additional code clean up and customization options. No major new feature will be present. We decided to clean up the code first, add an API layer and get Localization in before progressing any further in order to make future features easier to implement and maintain. Besides making my life easier down the road, hopefully this will also allow others to look at the code and implement any features they want, help out or offer suggestions.

    Again, this is more of a maintenance release with the much needed localization more than anything. I think the more eyes we can get on the code, the better.

  2. Jed, what about the whole subject-block featuring templates, clips, drafts and notes?

  3. I am a WP user. Is there anyway the WP image upload could be added onto performancing as an API so it maintains the upload structure?

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