The Secrets of Digg Success – August’s Social Media Bootcamp

Thousands of people each day waste their time submitting stories to Digg without a plan. Some of the stories are great, but get lost. Some of the stories are mediocre, and should never have been submitted in the first place (like digging a hole to China).

One Wednesday, August 20th at 1pm Eastern, Performancing Hive members will be holding a live chat to discuss the secrets of Digg success. We’ll cover content strategies, promotional strategies, and perhaps just as importantly, withholding strategies. At the end of the bootcamp, you’ll have a crystal clear sense of what it takes to use Digg effectively as a social media platform.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


8 thoughts on “The Secrets of Digg Success – August’s Social Media Bootcamp

  1. Seems great…am open to hearing although it seems like sometimes the effort in putting forth a strategy to get ONE submission to succeed is worth more than the what you may get from it (short term success)… either way, would be interesting in having this change my ideas on the topic

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  3. Quality control? Digg is setup in such a way where the users decide what gets onto the front page. Therefor, the users themselves are the quality control. Not much quality control if you ask me.

  4. Wow, this will be an interesting session to see if someone running a blog that is not Apple, PopCulture or Politics base will be able to utilize Digg.

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