Whether you fancy web design, application development, server administration, or just managing your blogs, you are a web hosting geek. If you were not, you would not be reading this. Fortunately, if you happen to have a phone running the Android mobile operating system, we have found ten Android apps, in no particular order, to make designing, development, and server management a bit easier.
Contrary to some reports, FTP is not dead. This little app will give you just what you need to upload or download files from your server. AndFTP supports all major protocols, including SFTP, SCP, and FTPS for secure file transfers.
Because choosing just the right color can mean the difference between failure and getting paid, every web designer needs an app like this. Magic Color Picker uses both palette and slider selection and supports RGB, HSV, HSL, and YUV color models. [Read more…] about 10 Android Apps for Web Hosting Geeks