Speaking of Tagging

I’ll be in Chicago next week speaking on Tagging and communities at Search Engine Strategies Chicago, and wanted to find out if any of you will be there, but also, what it is you might like to know about using tagging to promote your blogs?

For many there, it will be an introduction to the basic concepts, and as one speaker (the session is tuesday at 1:30pm) is already going to talk about wikipedia, I will be covering tagging (delicious et al) exclusively.

So, tell me, is there anything you think would make cool presentation points for this gig, or do you have any questions that might help me prepare a 20min talk on the subject of tagging as promotion?

And if you’re going to be there, let me know, and let’s try to hook up at the gig, it should be a lot of fun, and will be my first time speaking at SES!