Screencast: Here is an Easy 4 Step Formula to Create Linkworthy Content

Here is a video about creating linkworthy content. Check out the whole post to get the links and notes of the video.

[If you’re using an RSS reader, please click on the permalink to see the video.]


You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to create linkworthy content.

1) Create a magnetic headline.

I got the phrase “magnetic headline” from Brian Clark at Copyblogger.

Sample headline templates
22 World Class Headline Templates

I aggregated the above headline templates from three of Brian’s posts.

For more information about writing magnetic headlines, check out this page: How to Write Magnetic Headlines.

2) Write something longer than the average blog post.

The average blog post is around 200-500 words.

Try to aim for 1000 words. This shows your commitment to be comprehensive about a topic.

1300 words

50 Ways to Increase Your Productivity

You can write less words if you have a lot of pictures and/or videos.

800 words
7 Funniest Green LOLCats

If you’re really ambitious, create a list of 101 things.

3000 words!

101 Link Building Tips to Market Your Website

The length of your content makes it stand out from the average 200-500 word blog post.

3) Add non-text elements like images and videos.

Images and a graph
Why Building One Site is Better Than Building Multiple Sites

Videos and images
Top 7 Reasons to Watch Heroes Season 2

Another one with videos and images
Top 10 Most Dangerous Aircraft Landings in the World

4) Format your content in an easy-to-digest manner.

  • Easy to read
  • List format
  • Bullet or numbered points
  • Images and video to break up the text
  • Short paragraphs

My sister’s post
School Style for the Professional: Create a Teacher Wardrobe You Can be Proud of with 3 Timeless Looks

One of the best formatted posts I’ve seen in awhile
21 Ways to Make Your Blog or Website Sticky

6 thoughts on “Screencast: Here is an Easy 4 Step Formula to Create Linkworthy Content

  1. Another good tactic is to have a 1-2 sentence summary teaser, bolded, at the start of your post. This is usually enough to draw someone in, and what’s more, a lot of blog templates will default this as the meta description tag… meaning this would also be the snippet of text that shows up in search engine results.

  2. @”Infoproduct Idea Richard”

    Yes, great content is the best way to get great links. Glad you liked the part about headlines. I’ve underrated headlines for awhile but now I realize it is the most important part of any piece of content.

  3. Hi there,

    this is some good stuff. Too many people try to “trick” the search engines by getting links with shady methods – but when you create GREAT content real PEOPLE will start linking to you, and there’s nothing you can do that can replace that kind of effect. Just one hit-post can get your site flooded with visitors! Specially like the part on the headlines.

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