This is the second installment of the Project Launchpad series. This time around, the project launcher is iisbum from the hive and the name of the project is See It Skip It. iisbum has been a member of the Hive community since February, 2008.
Jeff – What is the purpose of See It Skip It?
iisbum – Trailers play a huge part in deciding if you want to see a movie or not, regardless of who wrote, starred, or directed the movie. Reviews and recommendations are probably the single most important factor, but those tend to come after the movies has been in theaters for a while, by rating the trailers, See It Skip It can help you decide if you want to see the movie before it has been released.
Jeff – Why would I want to visit this site over the Internet Movie Database?
iisbum –IMDB is an awesome site, I visit it all the time. It is a great information resource, however like most other movie review sites, the information as whether you should or should not go to see a movie can come a little late. Like most people I like to go watch movies as soon as they are released, and there are a handful each week, picking one to watch is the tricky part — something that I hope See It Skip It can help with.
Jeff – What sort of technology or software is running behind the scenes?
iisbum –The website is custom built on a standard LAMP architecture using a proprietary PHP framework that I developed myself. The website does some RSS aggregation and parsing to help us identify new trailers as they become available. A simple CMS allows us to quickly and easily update the site.
Jeff – Do you think that those who come across the site will base their notion of watching a movie based on the number of skip it or see it votes the trailer has received?
iisbum –If the Internet has done anything it has empowered everyone to research and make up there own mind about things, but with the little amount of free time people seem to have these days, I think people may base their desire to watch the movie trailer based on user voting, let alone the movie itself. But like all things, the voting is just a guide and people will use that as another factor in their decision making process.
Jeff – What are some things you have planned for the site now that the launch has occurred?
iisbum – There are two things that I would like to focus on now that the site has launched (other than continuing to add movies and trailers to the site).
The blog is going to be an important part of the site to keep people informed what is happening on the site and with movie and trailer related news. I would also like to extend the rating system to the movies itself to we can measure how well the trailer represents the quality of the movie.
Jeff – Is there anything you would like to tell our audience with regards to the site?
iisbum –I see people building websites all the time, just to turn a penny, and whilst that is very possible I encourage people to work with something they are passionate about. I am a big fan of movies and that was one of the reasons I built this website, I hope it will be profitable but it takes hard work and time for that to happen, and its far easier to do that with something that you are passionate about.
The Hive is filled with an abundant amount of talent, so much so that most of the members are launching their own projects. As a way of saying thanks to them for being a part of this wonderful community, I will be featuring projects from time to time from these individuals. These projects may consist of services, new websites, software, ebooks, etc. If you are interested in having your project seen by almost 10,000 RSS subscribers and thousands more unique visitors, join the Hive and become part of the collective.
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Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my thoughts about my new project.
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