Do you love Twitter enough to write mini-stories with it? If you can produce a story (not poetry) in EXACTLY 140 characters, Twitter it, then post the link to it at Copyblogger’s Twitter Writing Contest page. You’ll be eligible to win a 4Gb iPod Nano. If you want to donate prizes to this contest, you can post info there too.
Twitter is becoming so popular that it’s gaining converts in droves, creating buzz in the blogosphere, and spawning popular Twitter apps/clients such as Twhirl (and serving up 500 errors at times – presumably when it can’t handle the load). One of my Hive colleagues, Brian from Candy Addict, is being interviewed by Donny Deutsch for The Big Idea TV talk show this morning. So he set up Twitter on his mobile phone so that he could Twitter the experience before and after the interview. You can go one step further and livecast. And then there’s Twitpitching to propose an idea to someone.
Or if you’re into infosumption via Twitter, you could use microblogging to build presence – especially if you’re an entertainer – hunt for jobs, or track who is promoting your articles or otherwise linking to you, track poltical events, of get the news before big media gets it. If you’re addicted to data, you might simply want to visualize the Twitter universe.
If you’re not sure who to follow, visit Favrd, Who Should I Follow, Twitterholic for starters. Twitterholic lists the top 100 Twitterers (based on number of followers). Who Should I Follow makes suggestions after you supply your Twitter name. It also has a location slider, so that you can supposedly filter the member list down to people near to you (based on your IP address and where that maps to geographically). Favrd lists “interesting things” based on Twitter members/ threads that have been favorited.
So how are you using Twitter to be more productive or build your presence online? If you aren’t using it yet, choose a Twitter client and give it a go.
Jack: Indeed. I think there are a few people listed at that have over 20K followers.
Twitter is useful then, and you can hunt job, you can entertaiment, you can do business on it. Also, twitter also have leader which fllowed by 20k twitter users, god! Strong Brand!