Optimizing for Feed and Blog Search

Im doing a little research today, to see if much has changed since the last time I did a little blog/feed search engine optimization for a blog — I have to speak on this at SES London in a few weeks and need to make sure I have my facts up to date, and straight.

So I thought it might be useful to have a general discussion on how you optimize for Technorati, Google Blogsearch, Bloglines and other engines.

Do tell. Comment, link to articles you’ve written and discuss — lets see if we can work out the definitive guide to blog search seo!

One thought on “Optimizing for Feed and Blog Search

  1. Include rel=tag tag links in your feed and on your blog.
    Use ping-o-matic.
    Use FeedBurner and their ping service.

    Monitor incoming search engine traffic.

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