The next social media bootcamp will be held TODAY Wednesday, July 16th at 11am Eastern.
We’re discussing:
How bounce rate and other temporal metrics affect search rankings, and what you can do about it.
What is social media bootcamp?
It’s an opportunity to learn and ask questions about promoting your blog or website.
How do you participate?
Become a member of the Performancing Hive community
Ryan, i’m a member of hive and I still don’t know how the bootcamp is conducted. Are we doing this via Skype, or in a particular forum?
If you can’t invest $10 a month to network with and learn from some of the top social marketers online then you need to rethink how you look at your business.
Joining the Hive is not effective in itself, but it opens you up to chatting with and learning from some very successful bloggers including Ryan Caldwell and Chris Garret (co-author of the problogger book).
These guys actually answer your questins in the forum and its some of the best advice you could get online.
Today we’re discussing:
How bounce rate, time on page and other temporal metrics affect search rankings, and what you can do about it.
I’m not a big fan of fees for forums and job boards, but in this case I have to say it’s well worth it. Members get to share expert advice, reports and tips from the best probloggers in the business. There’s also a market place and many hivers offer blogging gig there first before taking it to the streets.
People pay lots of money to go to conferences to network with others – this is a lot cheaper.
This is great Ryan. Thanks for coming up with such an ingenious idea. How often do you hold these Social media bootcamps?
Diana Presley
It is archived. Each monthly session is archived. So join whenever you like, and you can get past bootcamps as well.
Thanks Ryan for updates.
This social media bootcamp will definitely provide us some effective tips for promoting a website.
I am not turned off by the Fee ( please don’t raise it though). But I can’t attend at that hour. Is the session recorded or eventually archived ?
I find this event and everything about it very interesting, the fee kind of turns me away from it a little because I’m not seeing alot of great testamonials on how effective it is though. Yet if I can get the money and time off to go next year I’ll probly check it out.
Joel Sonnet
Not everyone is advanced you know. There are some that need the ‘intro’ level for a lot of things. Thanks for supplying not only ‘intro’ levels but the more advanced levels too. Love your site.
Hattie Ann
I was so excited to see this offer of joining the Hive community, I just knew that it would be a useful and valuable tool to a newbie like me, but I was dismayed to see that there is fee for it, bummer, but I will keep coming back and learn what I can from your awesome postings.
Keep it Real,
Cheryl Beckham
Why do you assume that it’s an intro?
It’s more of a “what works in today’s environment” kind of thing.
So this is an intro to social media? We would love to see something for the more advanced as well!
Sounds good sign me up! I just started a blog at and need to learn how to promote and market using social media.
I understand social media is a powerful force with HUGE potential that is only growing I just don’t really know how to use it yet.
Anyhow I am on my way to join the HIVE community and get ready to take notes!