I didn’t realize how cool Performancing profile pages could be until I saw this one from Markus.
Right now he’s winning the competition. Can you beat him?
I’m offering $100 to the person who creates the coolest looking, most original Performancing profile page. It’s Halloween, so why not dress up your profile?
The contest ends a week from today (November 7th).
Follow-Up: How-To Create A Nice User Profile On Performancing.com
Out of pure egocentricity I would like to know if the competition is simply dead or if there are some competitors fighting against my new opulent wealth?
Perf uses “strong” instead of “b” tags, and “em” instead “i”. Keep that in mind, depending on which HTML/blog editor you use.
Just one little tip for all competitors: I created the profile in my HTML editor BUT before saving the code on p.com I joined all lines to become one single block of HTML. Otherwise I had unexpected results.
PS: @Chris: Nice to see you here again too (wave back o___:-). I had no real ‘general’ English forum so I started to write again (a little bit).
Oh wow. Great job on the profile, Markus! Wish I could say I could do the same but I most probably won’t. =D Good luck everyone~~
It’s nice to see Markus is still around here after all this time
I knew Perf profiles were pretty customizable but Markus’ is taking that to new limits. Great job, Markus! Thanks for pointing us this way, Ryan.
Thats an extraordinary profile of Markus. What a great way to introduce oneself! Good luck Markus and to others. Thanks for the competition, Ryan.
Ryan you are surprising me. Thanks!