The 30 finalists have been announced for the Blogger Appreciation Awards contest. These 30 bloggers were selected out of thousands of nominations after they had survived a semi-finalist round in which the judges initially narrowed the field down to 200. These blogs were selected for their compelling content and active readerships: the two aspects of a great blog.
If you’d like to show your appreciation for one of the finalist bloggers, please make sure to participate by voting at the The Blogger Appreciation Awards voting page.
The finalists are:
- PZ Myers, of Pharyngula
- Jason Kottke, Kottke
- Steven Finch, Crenk
- Gayla McCord, MomGadget
- Phil Plait, Bad Astronomy
- Daniel Scocco, Daily Blog Tips
- Trent Hamm, The Simple Dollar
- Asha Dornfest, Parent Hacks
- Lorelle VanFossen, Lorelle
- Liz Strauss, Successful Blog
- J.D. Roth, Get Rich Slowly
- Yan Fortin, Geeks Are Sexy
- Kevin Palmer, Pointless Banter
- Thomas Peters, American Papist
- Gary Farber, Amygdala
- Laura Rozen, War and Piece
- Olliver Willis, OliverWillis
- Michael Totten, Michael Totten Blog
- Jason McIntrye, The Big Lead
- Brian Clark Howard, URTH Guy
- Deb Ng, Freelance Writing Gigs
- Randa Clay, Randa Clay
- Prince Campbell, Chartreuse
- Steven Snell, DesignM.ag
- Gyutae Park, Winning the Web
- Jonathan Bailey, Plagiarism Today
- Kevin Kraynick, Rump Roast
- Deb Nice, Nice Deb
- Carl in Jerusalem, Israel Matzav
- Char Polanosky, Essential Keystrokes
Appreciation Awards contest. These 30 bloggers were selected out of thousands of nominations after they had survived a semi-finalist round in which the judges initially narrowed the field down to 200.
I like MomGadget,too!He is almost my idol!
Always support?
I like MomGadget, nice blog end great twitter on http://twitter.com/Gayla
Above list of some blogs have no basic blogging steps. How are they come to first?
I reached semi-finals but failed to reach finals. Best of luck for all the finalists. I am happy – participation is more important than winning.
This is very flattering, and many thanks. Small correction, though: the name of my blog is “Amygdala,” which is a part of the brain. The URL is that word, plus my initials, but the URL is not the name of the blog.