Everyone Should Try This Experiment At Least Once

In Deb’s recent article, she implores us to Never Underestimate the Power of a List. Her main point is that informative, thoughtful and well-done lists can draw a lot of attention to your blog.

I want to take her idea regarding “lists” a little further and suggest an experiment that everyone who is serious about becoming an authority blogger should try. Hard work? Sure. But hard work is necessary if you wanna play with the big boys. And to play with the big boys, you’ve gotta move away from fast-twitch blogging and towards long-term value blogging.

So here’s the suggestion:

Create a resource in your niche that you can feel proud about placing as an external link in Wikipedia.

That’s it. That’s all I’m asking you to do. Create something in your niche that is original, valuable, and which *deserves* to be linked from a Wikipedia resource in your niche. If possible, try to develop the resource so that it will still be relevant 5 years from now.

That’s your project for this week. Cut back on fast-twitch blogging. Stop reposting news that’s on about fifty other blogs. Spend two hours each day to develop a unique resource and within a week you might just have something great.

If the experiment works, then create a “Resource” section on your blog and plan to create at least one killer Wikipedia-worthy resource per month.

5 thoughts on “Everyone Should Try This Experiment At Least Once

  1. Well, I am not sure about being able to write a specialized list in my niche (as I don’t have one), but I still think that I can come up with some lists…

    Nice idea… off to work on it.

    – Vaibhav

  2. In most cases, if it’s good enough to get on and stay on Wikipedia, you can bet that it’s good enough for people to link to from their blogs and forums.

    I’d say do this once a week instead of once a month, but that would depend on which stage you are in your blogging. If you’re starting out, this is 80% of what you should be doing. Later on that drops to around 10-20%.

  3. Sorry Ryan, my mistake. I wasn’t sure how the perfomancing system works, i.e. if you have 100s of people publishing on their Performancing blogs you might not notice I did anything.

    I understand now , I went ahead and published it.

  4. Matt, there is no need to ask whether we want a guest blog.

    In the future, I won’t respond to your inquiries because I’ve already made it abundantly clear that as a general policy, we accept guest blog posts that meet a minimum level of quality.

    By persistently asking whether we want your guest blog posts, you make it seem as if you’re ignoring everything I’ve said in the past regarding our desire to accept guest posts.

  5. That’s a great idea, it will be pretty tough to do that in the metablogging niche though.

    I e-mailed about a guest post I have ready. If you don’t want it no worries, ill find somewhere else but please let me know so I’m not left in the dark.


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