So we’re now three clues into the Performancing Treasure Hunt where you can win up to seven great prizes. On Saturday, we let you search around the Internet for Clue 3. With each clue, we see more and more people playing, which is awesome. Keep hunting and keep spreading the word!
So let’s get straight to Clue Number 4:
Clue #4: “PageRank epicycles are chinks in the Google armor”
Ok. So what are you supposed to do with the clue?
Well, here’s a 4 step algorithm for how to use the clue.
- Do a Google search on the exact clue phrase.
- Visit any page on the Internet that shows up in the Google SERPS for that phrase.
- Once you are on the page, find only the *outbound* links in the article.
- Write down the first letter of the domains of any *outbound* links.
So that’s how you get started. The earlier you start searching, the better, because the less chance there is of SERP corruption by mischiefs;-)
Once you’ve collected all the letters for a clue, try to unscramble them into a word.
Each clue represents one word. All the clues together will represent a phrase. The first person to identify that phrase wins the grand prize.
If you need confirmation that you’ve found the *official* pages of the Treasure Hunt, send me, Ryan a private message.
“So let’s get straight to Clue Number 3:”..
You mean clue #4 right?