After the release of Performancing Firefox 1.1 we learnt a valuable lesson here at Performancing: That we need more beta testers! And that having a large(ish), growing community of bloggers that use the Firefox blogging tool and not asking for their help is daft. So we’re addressing that oversight today.
On the last release, the most obvious cock up was drafts in wordpress — thing is, Chris tested it, Jed tested, and I tested it, and it still didn’t bloody work when it went out live. Obviously something went wrong and we’d like your help in making sure that doesn’t happen again if you would be so kind.
Become a PFF Beta Tester!
We’ve opened up a new forum for beta testers only which any Performancing member is welcome to participate in.
It has slightly different rules to the rest of our blogging forums in that we would prefer people not post new threads. It says so on the forum description, and in a sticky topic posted to the forum itself. I don’t think I can make that any plainer 🙂 but i dont like to remove posts so thought it best to be as obvious as possible.
What we would like to do, is to make the latest build available for members, with instructions on how to install it and for Jed, Chris or myself to post specific questions that need answering/testing, such as: Is drafts in wordpress working now? and have as many people test that for us as possible so we really get our releases down as tight as possible.
This will help us organize our efforts much better, and with your help, which is greatly appreciated, build a better blogging tool for everyone.
Subscribe to the RSS
As this is a comments only forum, the volume should be quite low on new posts, so if you’re not following the recent posts list (arguably the best way to track new topics in the forums), then please subscribe to the Beta Forum RSS Feed to track new topics and builds that need your input.
First Beta Build Goes Up Today
Jed will be posting the first beta build today Jed has posted the first beta build (beta 1), and you are welcome of course to comment upon it, but we will be posting specific questions about specific issues that need resolving when they become apparent aswell.
I think one of the things, probably the biggest thing, that makes PFF such a fun project to work on is the community of folks that provide feedback on it, with your help, we can make this tool better for everyone.
So thanks!
We’ve attached the lastest build to this thread.
To install the dev beta 1, download it from this thread and drag and drop it into your Firefox window in a new profile.
Please see the Beta Install thread for more information on how to create a new profile and test the beta build.
I just got Performancing for firfox after I tried wordpress free blog and found out it was lacking in it’s ability to add anything unless you coded it. I heard about WordPress from diggers raving about the software.
Glad I found it cause it is handy for my other blog on blogger too.
Someone commented on the FAQ site for wordpress blog about it in responce to the other blogging tools they suggested that I found didn’t work.