Adding Threaded Comments To WordPress Themes

WordPress 2.7 which is due for release any day now introduces the ability to have threaded conversations or, threaded comments. However, not every theme available for WordPress is going to have support for this new feature built in meaning you might have to add in the necessary changes yourself. No worries though as Sarah from has crafted an excellent post that walks you through from beginning to end on how to add this support to your theme.

Note that you do not HAVE to add this support to your theme. This feature/tutorial is only for those looking to use the threaded comment feature in WordPress 2.7 but who are using a theme which doesn’t support the new functionality.

5 thoughts on “Adding Threaded Comments To WordPress Themes

  1. Yes, uses a plugin that does exactly this. It’s called WordPress Thread Comment Whenever someones comment is replied to, only they will receive an email notification that their has been a new comment.

  2. Thanks for sharing it with us. I still rather use the plugin for WordPress. If there is a reply to someone’s comment will it e-mail the person and let them know there is a reply to their comment?

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