10 Reasons To Blog

Are you still on the fence on whether or not to have your own blog? Howard Flomberg of the Examiner published his list of 10 reasons on why to blog. While some of the items have a comical feel to them, most are down to earth such as number 2,

2. It will improve your writing skill. Just think, if you have a hundred people reading your blog, you now have a hundred editors!

After you give his quick ten reasons a read, come on back and let me know a reason or two as to why someone should blog.

One thought on “10 Reasons To Blog

  1. Yes, I loved #2 as well! Grammar police are everywhere! 😉

    I found I’ve done so much online work for others over the years that I neglected to create anything for myself. Nothing to call my own.

    My reason: It’s mine! I can say what I want, when I want, and how I want. No client is going to bark at me for it. (That what my potential readers are for! lol)

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