During one months time, there are many plugins that are released for WordPress. At the end of each month, I’ll be compiling a list of plugins that have been released during the month that have caught my eye. This compilation is for the month of September.
Apache Google 404 – AskApache Google 404 is a must-have WordPress plugin that uses some ajax and a couple tricks to display a very helpful and SEO Error Page. The default displays Google Search Results for images, news, blogs, videos, web, custom search engine, and your own site.
Search Engine Keywords – A WordPress plugin that can be used to correlate the keywords used to find your web page on the search engines to a box where you can put anything you want, for example your affiliate links.
Tweet This – A plugin that adds a Twitter icon to every post and page, so your readers can share your blog entries on their Twitter accounts with ease. Shortens URLs in advance. Tested in WordPress 2.6.2, 2.0.11, and 1.5.
Favicon Images for Comments – Favicon Images for WordPress Comments lets you add favicon images to your blog comments using the URL of your visitor’s website.
Post Ticker – Displays a scrolling list of post titles and excerpts with links to post.
TimeZoneCalculator – Calculates different times and dates in time zones with respect to daylight saving on basis of UTC.
Vipers Video Quicktags – Just simply click one of the new buttons that this plugin adds to the write screen (rich editor included) and then paste the URL that the video is located at into the prompt box — easy as that. You can fully configure how the videos are displayed (width, height, colors, alignment on the page) and much more. Your site will even stay (X)HTML valid unlike with the code provided by most video sites.
Insights – (I’ll be reviewing this plugin for an upcoming Performancing post) Insights brings a powerful new way to write your blog posts. It increases productivity and at the same time the appeal of your posts.
Auto-Close Comments, Pingbacks and Trackbacks – Automatically close comments, pingbacks and trackbacks on your blog. This helps reduce the amount of spam aimed at old posts.
Progressive License – Progressive license is a plugin that gives authors an opportunity to put Creative Commons or Custom Licenses on their content.
Interactive Video – Enhance your blog with both basic and advanced video capabilities. Upload/ record/import videos directly to your post, edit and remix video content, enable video responses, manage and track your video content and much more.
WP125 – The WP125 plugin can help you manage your ads more efficiently, leaving you with more time to write new posts.
WP Calendar – Calendar is an events calendar for WordPress that allows you to publish a monthly breakdown of your appointments and important dates for your blog readers to view.
wpSEO – The wpSEO plugin helps you optimize your blog for SEO purposes by eliminating issues with duplicate content and specifying meta tags and page titles for the different pages of your blog. Page in German
Feed Pauser – Feed pauser, pauses a post from being made available through RSS.
MTR Podcast Recorder – MTR Podcast Recorder offers real-time recording that is saved on the same server where WordPress is installed. All recordings will be saved into the MP3 format using LAME encoder.
Find and Replacer – Find and replacer is a powerful search plugin for replacing tags and text throughout your blog installation.
Tabbed Widgets – Tabbed interfaces are the most common on newspaper type website where they can save a lot of vertical space and make it look less cluttered. This plugin allows you to create them.
WordPress S3 – This WordPress plugin allows you to use Amazon’s Simple Storage Service to host your media for your WordPress powered blog.
Smart 404 – Instead of quickly giving up when a visitor reaches a page that doesn’t exist, make an effort to guess what they were after in the first place. This plugin will perform a search of your posts, tags and categories, using keywords from the requested URL. If there’s a match, redirect to that page instead of showing the error. If there’s more than one match, the 404 template can use some template tags to provide a list of suggestions to the visitor.
wpAFFI – Simple and rapid technique to hide your affiliate links.
Terms of Use – Instead of making the user agree to the Terms of Use when they join the site this plugin makes them agree to the terms and conditions the first time they login.
WordPress Menu Creator – The Brokers Edge developed this free plugin to provide website owners with true easy to manage easy to configure menu solution for WordPress or WordPress CMS sites.
DashboardZone – This plugin will help you and your readers to keep you on track for reaching your targets. We created this wordpress plugin that monitors the various blog goals and in an effort tries to engage your readers more effectively.
Information regarding plugin releases was taken from http://weblogtoolscollection.com
Thanks for the time zone widget…exactly what I was looking for…
Thanks for the mention of my plugin, Find and Replacer. I’m working on making it even better!
Where does he get these wonderful concepts of plugins? Insights will be a base set plugin for the next WP upgrade, or atleast it should be. This plugin could be classified as a SEO tool as well as convience. The ability to link to other articles in your database before you POST is major. Keep churning out these must needed plugins VLAD!
Hey Vladimir! Your plugin is my plugin pick of the week and will be featured on WordPress Weekly I’m also going to write a review of it for Performancing. Just being able to search my blog for previous articles from within the post panel is good enough for me, let alone the additional features!
I am glad that you picked Insights. Let me know if you need any help with the review!