Why Blog for Someone Else?

I’m a blogger for hire. Companies, networks and even individuals hire me to blog. Each client has different terms to his contract, but for the most part I spend much of my day blogging for others. Some bloggers look down on me, while others want to know how to get the same deal. Today I’d like to talk to you about the pros and cons of blogging for someone else.


  • Steady Paycheck – Though I have my own well-peforming blogs, the income can be unpredictable. When I blog for others, I know I’ll be earning a monthly salary – as well as bonuses for traffic or a job well done.
  • Technical Support – One thing I like about blogging for someone else is how that person is responsible for the technical stuff. I’m challenged technically and I’d much rather let someone else handle all that stuff anyway.
  • Training – Blogging for someone else is a great way to learn the tricks of the trade while earning a paycheck. Many networks offer training, SEO and traffic building tips and advice and more.
  • Advertising and Proomotion – Other people handle the advertising and some of the promotion. That’s not to say you won’t be asked to do some promotion, and really, if you want bonuses you’ll have to pimp your blog, but the staff does handle some of it as well.
  • You have access to some great tools -People who hire bloggers do so because they want their blogs to succeed. Many of them are willing to pull out al the stops, giving you access to some nifty bells and whistles.


  • Some people are clueless – Many people are jumping on the bandwagon to hire bloggers, but have no clue about what’s involved. They totally miss the spirit of blogging. I’ve worked for people who really don’t want blogs, they’re looking for articles to stock their website. I had one “editor” who used to come in and edit my work because it was too conversational. I had another who insisted I adhered to no more or no less than a certain amount of words per post. Another, shut off the comment feature because he felt it “too distracting.” Needless to say, I didn’t last long with any of these clients.
  • The quotas – Most clients want you to blog a certain amount per day or week. It’s not always easy to make that quota, especially if it’s unrealistic.
  • Tech Support – Though you do get technical assistance, if you’re with a network you may have to wait in line. You’re at the mercy of someone else’s server failures, coding errors and other technical issues.
  • You can’t always write what you like – You might have to follow a set of guidelines.

Blogging for others indeed has it’s ups and downs. I have to say though, I’m really enjoying my job. I get to write about what I like, meet some incredible people and I’m earning more than I did as an Administrative /Editorial Assistant in New York City. I think it helps to know what you’re doing. If you know about blogging and traffic and community building, you can apply the same techniques to blogs you don’t own. You might even earn some decent traffic bonuses. Some clients cut you in on some of the advertising revenue on top of your salary too.

There’s another benefit to blogging for someone else. When I first started my own blogs, they weren’t bringing in much of an income. Building up a blogging clientele enables me to earn a living while building my own blogs. For me, the pros far outweigh the cons.

4 thoughts on “Why Blog for Someone Else?

  1. Great post. I call blogging for a company “customer engagement”, because blogging is only one part of what I do. I’m really just a part of the marketing team.

    To add to your points, I’ve run into all sorts of unexpected problems:

    – companies who don’t understand blogging and want you to write posts about how great the company is all day long;
    – marketers who want to know when you’re going to spam all the bloggers in your niche;
    – dealing with multiple online identities;
    – blogging for a product you don’t like;
    – and so on.

    I started my own blog devoted solely to corporate blogging from the blogger’s perspective, since all the other blogs that touched on the subject were written to the company’s perspective. I try to give a feel for what the job is all about, and what issues I run into.


  2. Good stuff, spot on Although it is a fun way to earn money it is worth approaching with a business mindset and always keep in mind there are no guarantees any working relationship will work out.

  3. I would agree with all of those points. Some very good writers are undervalued when they start blogging for themselves. Blogging for others helps them realize that value while they also learn the blogging craft.

    It is however, very easy for people to make a steady pay check blogging for themselves these days. That seems to be a part of the equation that is rapidly changing.

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