Lorelle Van Fossen over at the BlogHerald asks, “What Fuels Your Blog“?
There are a few things which keep me blogging. The first is, having my say. I use my blog as a soapbox as well as a conversation starter. Blogs give everyone a unique voice and despite the noise that is generated on an hourly basis in the blogosphere, it’s great to have a place to openly share thoughts and ideas.
The second thing that fuels me are the comments. I love receiving comments which add on to something I started. I love getting involved in conversations centered around a particular post because I never know where I’ll end up when the conversation ends. It’s like a continuation of education.
The third thing that fuels me is community. I am big into community and I love the community atmosphere. I have this drive within me to either create a passionate community or be a leader within an existing community. Communities are places where I can get along with most other people, agree to disagree, and call a home away from home. Communities are special places which are painstakingly hard to create which is why I place so much value into them in the first place.
So, those are three things which fuel my blog/blogging. Why not share with us what fuels your blogging?
5 thoughts on “What Keeps You Going?”
Yep. I’ve always felt disappointed launching a poll only to see 10 people vote for it. That’s not a good sign. Although it sucks to publish wrong information, that wrong information helped to generate comments
I have a movie blog and often I get to read quite a number of interesting comments from readers. It’s funny how you perceive movie fans! There are quite a lot who can come up with intelligent, often challenging commentaries about our posts. It made me more aware of editing, grammar and most of all, the depth of my research for the posts I make. It’s embarrassing to apologize for overlooked info or details, much less have them corrected via comments!
If you launch a poll and you got more than 3000 readers voting for a particular actor, it feels so good, you know your blog has an audience- even if it’s a small one.
money and fame
n belief dat 1 day i ll too make it big
I’m right there with you on those points. Do you still get excited when you see that someone has left a legitimate comment on one of your posts?
the love of internet and blogs, and the desire to network with others. i love the feedback, comments and learning more
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