There’s a saying that you only exist if you can be found on the first or even second page of Google. I want to go as far as saying that on the Internet, your brand (meaning the product you market, or even something as personal as your blog) should be ubiquitous. In trying to explain to a friend who does marketing his company, I tried removing him from the paradigm that “we want people to come to our site and maybe use online ads as a drive to site effort.”
Sure, that may be a sound strategy … 5 years ago. The age of social media has allowed brands to be as ubiquitous as the bloggers who advocate them. So yeah, a good old corporate site won’t hurt, but why aren’t brand managers using services like Twitter, Plurk, Flickr, Facebook to full advantage? As a marketer, one good piece of advice to remember is that these tools — social media, web 2.0 or what have you, should be used as landing pages for your main site. Develop these tools well, and you will see your main site grow. I find it funny that advertisers still don’t make best use of these FREE tools and decide instead to spend ad dollars. I’m not saying these guys shouldn’t be advertising — I’m just saying that they aren’t being ubiquitous.
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I would say having a kick ass corporate site is a must. Why bother with the web 2 trouble (or paying for ads) if your corporate site is lacking?
~ Jim
~ tweet: @seo_web_design
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I agree, it’s very important that we keep our name in front of people. It’s crazy, but in some ways the web is much more personal than the real world. Offline, you can get away with just advertising; but online people want to get to know the person behind the ads.
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