The blogosphere has brought us some amazing bloggers who have been able to captivate readership that even some magazines and newspapers would be jealous of. There are your Scobles, Arringtons, Rileys, and Chows, but even more people are getting in on the action. People who were once nobodies are now some-bodies. The question is simple: who are the three bloggers that you would want to sit down and have dinner with?
My Picks
Louis Grey
Louis Gray is a name I only recently heard of through FriendFeed, and it quickly dawned on me that Louis is going to be a success. I don’t know what it is about him, but I just have that feeling that his social expertise and writing ability is something to watch out for, and I only wish I could figure out what it is that he is doing.
Sitting down for dinner with Louis Gray would prompt me to ask many questions about how he approaches the social aspect of blogging—how he is able to communicate so well with the blogosphere. This is an area that I am very poor at (that is a future article), but I would hope that with an hour or two with Louis, I could take a different and more bold approach to how I represent myself throughout the blogosphere.
John Gruber
John Gruber—this man has played a significant role in my writing, and what better way to improve that than to talk to him. Mr. Gruber is a technical writer who is the author of He approaches his blog with a unique style that even I have been asked to replicate at another site. (When you have your own style, it must mean you are good!) No problem though, I already try my best to one up that style.
John seems like the kind of guy that would just hammer me with inspiration. I believe he has a unique work ethic. Considering that he is a success in the blogging world and technology industry is also a bonus.
Darren Rowse
The quintessential blogger—Darren Rowse is a name that every professional blogger should have already heard of. He is part of a success story that we all could hope to experience. Darren Rowse created, and that is where he experienced his success that forever changed his life and the lives of others.
Even 10 minutes of one-on-one conversation with this man could probably change my entire perspective of the blogosphere and how I represent myself within it. What else is there to say? It couldn’t get much better than that!
What About You?
If you could have dinner with any three bloggers, who would they be and why? Feel free to share your thoughts and link to their blog in the comments section so we can learn more about your influences.
Just one blogger I’d love to have dinner with James and that would be you :p
Also a great list of people. Brian Clark is a smart man.
That’s a good list.
Interesting question. In the internet marketing niche, I would like to hang out with Brian Clark (, Yaro Starak (entrepreneurs-journey), and Aaron Wall (
Hmm, interesting question. The three bloggers I’d like to have dinner with are:
Steven Hodson of
Darren Rowse –
Mark ‘Rizzn’ Hopkins of
All the cool bloggers are either up to the northeast or over in the southwest. Unfortuntely, I’m in the middle of the east coast. Perhaps, one day, I will be able to travel over to California. Will certainly be a fun time, and I’d love to participate in a few of those numerous conventions you guys have around there.
Thanks for the comment, and thanks for adding me on FriendFeed!
Thanks for the invite. Unfortunately, there is probably a .0001% chance of me being able to go to BlogWorldExpo (unless someone sponsors that).
Perhaps in the future we will be able to meet up at a blogging event or similar, and I’d certainly be up for that.
Wish you continued success over at ProBlogger, and I appreciate the comment!
I believe that. 😀
… but I personally couldn’t think of anything duller! Three bloggers I’d love to sit down and have dinner with? None. Some of them though, I’d liked to have sat down and had dinner with them before they were bloggers 😉
I’d like to have some time with my friends: Chris Garrett, Ahmed Bilal, Andy Boyd, Deb Ng, Chris Tew, Raj Dash, Cigar Jack, JD Arney, David Peralty.
Great people, they are, faults and all;-) We’ve had some nice conversations via chat and Skype. Would be nice to sit around a table fora few hours sometime.
You know how to reach me, and I have no idea if our geographies will make it happen.
Darren Rowse for sure. Also my friend Liz Strauss…oh wait…we did have drinks together, but still any time with Liz is time well spent. Third? Ryan Caldwell, Chris Garrett, Jennifer Chait all of whom I call friend, yet haven’t met. Really there are so many bloggers I wish to meet, it’s hard to put them on a list.
I’d love to get Darren, Chris Garrett and Yaro Starak together for a few beers.
If I could drag Jeremy Schoemaker along as well and I reckon I could end up with enough ideas for at least 6 months worth of posts by the end of the first round!
I guess I’ll just have to settle for trying to catch up with Chris sometime, as he’s more of a local being in the UK.
Matt Garrett
thanks for your kind words James (and you too Ryan).
You know what – if we’re ever in the same city – lets grab a bite to eat!
Not sure if you’re heading to BlogWorldExpo in September but I’m 50/50 to attend and if you’re there it’d be cool to meetup. Might not have time for a meal as I’ll only be there for two days in total but we could at least grab a beer!
Besides what you mention, Darren is about the nicest and most generous person you could possibly meet. Salt of the earth.
I should mention that this whole conversation began on FriendFeed a week or two ago, and I just remembered it, so I thought I would ask here as well.