The Weekly Buzz: What Is This Thing? Podcasting, Bad Commentators, and More

The Hive, a Performancing project, was created to provide a community for those looking to increase the performance of their blog and network with the pros. The Hive still continues to grow, and there are many great things being discussed within.

What Is It?

Performancing Hive is a place where you can talk about blogging, advertising, writing, search engine optimizing, monetizing, and anything else related to this business we call blogging. It really is a place where professionals and those hopeful of going professional can bounce around ideas and talk about our passion.

If you have questions, we have the answers.

Newest Member

I’d like to welcome blabrmouth of to the Hive. Thanks for being our newest member, and thanks for supporting the Hive!


Plenty of questions about podcasting have been arising. Questions about tools, plugins, hosts, and more. Podcasters, we got you covered in the Hive. Plenty of our members have podcasting experience, and a quite a few maintain weekly podcasts as well. If you need help with podcasting, join up and ask away.

The Know-It-All Commentator

One of our members had a problem with that usual I-am-gonna-screw-with-you-and-your-blog type person. We were able to help the person out.

If you have someone that is constantly disrupting your blog, try to reason with that person via email or by other means privately. It can sometimes be as simple as that. Do not provoke further action by insulting/annoying this person, but instead, ask politely for the situation to come to an end.

Also, be sure to modify or remove any content which is not true. I am of the opinion that comments should not be removed. There will always be those who are dissatisfied. However, there comes a time when something just does not belong. It is your blog—you run it, and you protect yourself.

Join Us Now

Joining Performancing Hive is a great investment. It is $10 a month, and that breaks down to little over 30 cents a day. If you are a serious blogger, it is seriously a worthwhile investment. Join the Hive.