Copyright, trademark, privacy and pornography. These are all issues that, while still very much unsettled, we’ve at least begun to address online.
While not all of the answers have been great, there are signs that the law is thinking about these issues and that the wheels of justice are grinding forward.
So while that may be small comfort, it’s important to remember that there are areas of the law that we either barely have addressed or have not addressed at all.
It’s in these spaces that the next frontier of Internet law may be hiding. These may well be the areas of law to become hot topics in the coming years and they could easily be the areas that will have huge impacts on you and your sites as they rise up.
On that note, here’s a look at the areas of law that we haven’t really begun to address, but most likely will have to soon. [Read more…] about 3 Areas of Law We Have Not Begun to Touch