Those of you who are just looking for a great way to display blog stats in your WordPress Dashboard, read no further. Sign-up for pMetrics and then download the plugin.
But connoisseurs of innovative technology take note. Performancing is today releasing what we see as a major step forward in WordPress plugin technology. The innovation that we are introducing is at the level of fundamental architecture and can be generalized for numerous applications. We demo the technology in our 1.0 pMetrics plugin release.
Several months ago over at College Startup, I wrote a post over at College Startup entitled Open Source Priority #1: One Click Updates. The general idea behind the post was that we should move beyond the old-art of software updates (deleting, downloading, unzipping, re-uploading). The old-art is especially problematic when running dozens or hundreds of blogs.
After making that post, I realized that I should do something about it. Enter Sean Hickey from Headzoo. I explained my ideas to Sean and asked him to execute this new software architecture, using the pMetrics API in the hopes of killing two birds with one stone: 1) making a killer demo and 2) giving pMetrics users an expandable, auto-updating plugin
In a nutshell here’s what the pMetrics plugin offers:
1. Auto-updates (this option can be toggled on and off)
2. One-click installs for added functionality
3. One-click removals (deletes files off the server)
4. Blog stats in your WordPress dashboard
5. Latest searches display
6. pMetrics rank display
7. Auto-installation of pMetrics javascript code
Coming Soon
8. Auto-installation of affiliate banner in sidebar
9. Blog sales page with detailed pMetrics statistics
10. Feedburner integration
and much more…sky’s the limit.
Download the plugin now
I’ll do some captures this weekend, maybe a video screencast showing people how to find their codes. and such
Damn, how about some screenies, yo? I don’t have a WordPress install but I’m very curious to see what this looks like in action.
This plugin is really amazing. Don’t forget to download the extensions, so that you can see your PMetrics stats in your WordPress control panel.
Well, it seems it’s saving the settings, it just can’t re-load that admin page.
For all support questions, please shift the discussion to the relevant forum thread – easier to track them and respond to them quickly.
As a last resort, if your server environment is non-standard, you might have to go through and manually play around with the permissions of each folder/file.
On 99% of the sites we tested this on, the plugin installed and ran without a hitch. What about the 1%? Well, it was a unique server environment that was ultra-security hardened. To get the plugin working on that server, we needed to expand permissions to 777 (something of a security concern).
Okay, I’ve uploaded admin.php (manually unzipped and still getting the same error.
I’ve installed this, I have a PRO account, and have given the /pmetrics dir. 766 perms. However, when I go to update with my siteid and sitekey I get this error:
Cannot load pmetrics2Fbase2Fincludes2Fadmin.php.
I went to the /pmetrics/base/includes dir and there is no admin.php file in there.
log in to your pmetrics dashboard, and for the site you want to install the plugin for, click on the ‘info’ link. That gives you the site id and site key parameters (they’re right above the base api url). Copy them and you’re good to go.
logged in and created an account. trying to find where the site id and key is posted. any help appreciated!