Performancing Stream of Consciousness for Thur May 1, 2008

RSS Awareness Day
Today is RSS Awareness Day. If you still don’t know RSS is, check the site out to learn more.

Are You An Effective Blogger?
Learn the 7 habits of incredibly effective blogging. Number 1 (Have something to say) and #2 (Project your personality) go hand in hand. If you have nothing to say, it’s kind of hard to project your personality.

Why Twitter?
For those who understand it (and I’m still learning), Twitter can actually be a great way to stimulate thinking and generate ideas. Watch for my “Twitter as Resource?” post later today. [Ref: Neil Patel’s twittering.]

Web Developer Cheatsheet
Who needs to hire a site designer when SEOMoz is giving away their Web Developer Cheatsheet?

You’ve Got AdSense In Your Feedburner Feeds
Or you will have, soon, once Google finishes their Feedburner integration. Will this reduce feed scraping? I don’t honestly know.

Google Ocean?!!
Google will be offering Google Ocean very soon, to join Earth and Sky. What will they index next? What’s your guess?