How Bloggers Can Adapt To Universal Search
Google’s universal search is a huge change to the organic search landscape. On May 16, Google told the world their super popular search engine would be filled with not just text based websites, but also images, videos, news, books, and maps. Yes, the search engine results pages (SERPs) like look a little different.
So, how can bloggers take advantage of these changes? How should our SEO, marketing, and traffic building efforts change?
I think Youtube and other video sharing sites will be huge in the new search world. Google bought Youtube, so I’m sure they want Youtube videos to rank highly. And let’s not forget that Youtube is the fourth visited website in the world (according to Alexa).
It’s time to start testing video on our blogs. Camtasia and Cam Studio are screencast software that can help you make videos. And your webcam may prove to be a tool to help you reach the top ten of the SERPs. To really make a splash, you can shoot quality videos with a good video camera.
As an added advantage to making videos, traffic from web videos is pretty good quality. This traffic seems to convert better than other types of traffic. This means video traffic is more likely to click on an adsense ad, buy an affiliate product, or opt-in to a mailing list.
Another tactic to consider in light of universal search is making the news. With online press release site, it’s easy to submit press releases. As news items begin to rank higher, you’ll want to write press releases for your website and your niche.
If you have some money to spend, you can submit your press release at PRWeb. You’ll get traffic and a strong backlink. PRWeb used to be free, but now they charge $80 for a press release without anchor text and $200 with anchor text. If you don’t want to spend money, there are free press release sites like
Another thing to consider is the use of pictures and images. In many niches, internet users are looking for pictures. For example, I did keyword research for my wedding blog and found keyword phrases like “wedding dress pictures” and “wedding flower pictures.”
Furthermore, images are the first results on image related SERPs. You’ll get many visitors if you get one of your pictures on the front page of these searches. So, if you’re in one of these industries that love pictures, add more images to your blog with keyword-rich alt tags.
I like the image idea. Also if you have some of your own photos adding a small photo section to certain niche type blogs would be helpful (stock type images). Make the images available to download to your readers so they can use them and hopefully give you a create or backlink.
Nice posts, Raj. I forgot that Netscape does video, too. I’ll have to use them because I’m starting to interact with the community there.
Thanks for the clarification, Marcel. I forget there are other kinds of computers in the world
Cam Studio is also free open source software. Cam Studio will make videos of what’s on your computer screen. So it’s great for tutorials. It’s window’s only though.
pholpher: I agree, especially about video. Video is a great content alternative. Any visual content can make your text-only blog/site liven up a bit.