EatonWeb: A Blog Directory That Matters

For the last several months I, and several others, have been developing what we consider to be a Blog Directory That Matters. It is called EatonWeb. And submissions are free;-)

In our view, the reason that directory submission has fallen so out of favor among SEO types is simple: too many directories are just sophisticated link farms and the links don’t carry much, if any, value. Most directories don’t exist for any other reason than to pass link juice and collect submission fees.

Our goal with EatonWeb was to make a directory that provided valuable information to the blog owner as well as blog buyers and blog advertisers.

To meet this goal we sat down and came up with a list of over 20 factors that we believe are indicators of blog quality. Then we went about creating an algorithm to measure these qualities and determine a blog’s strength. But we didn’t stop there.

In our view, a blog’s strength is not its only virtue. We also set out to measure a blog’s dynamic momentum over time. Healthy blogs should either maintain or grow their measured strength over time.

The cool thing about EatonWeb is that it organizes blog categories by strength and momentum. This is great information to have on several levels. For one, it provides blog owners with weekly feedback on their blog’s progress, and allows a blog owner to set concrete goals. Additionally, it gives blog buyers, sellers and advertisers detailed information to help evaluate the overall value of a blog.

By separating out strength and momentum, EatonWeb also provides the “little guy” a chance to stand out in the Momentum section of the directory. Whereas it might be difficult to compete on the level of pure strength, the little guy has more room for growth.

It’s our hope that EatonWeb will prove to be one of the most important blog directories on the Internet, right along with Best of the Web, Blog Flux and Blog Catalog.

The good news is that we’re not done with EatonWeb. We’re going to work daily to improve our measurements and add new features designed to help bloggers and SEOers acquire valuable information and valuable links.

So what are you waiting for? Submit your blog to EatonWeb today!

Pssssssssssss … in case you had any doubts about the SEO strength of EatonWeb, do a Google search for College Startup (my other blog) and look at the fifth listing down. Better yet, do a search on Jack of All Blogs and look at the second full listing. Impressive, eh? Still wondering if you should submit?

9 thoughts on “EatonWeb: A Blog Directory That Matters

  1. This is great, Ryan. Looks like you’ve done tons of hard work behind the scenes. Just wondering if you have any plans to add “business” and “design” blog categories to the list? A client is asking me.

  2. Ryan, interesting you should talk about directories as I’ve been researching this subject for a new project. I’ve got some ideas on how to bring the directory scene up to date and offer more value for users and submitters.

    By the way, what are you using to power EatonWeb? phpLD? Or other? Or is it custom built? Just curious.

  3. EatonWeb is one of the oldest and most respected directories around – not surprised that its pages rank so high for domain names.

    Why free submissions though?

  4. Ryan the whole concept is great. Yes I agree that directory submission is dead for some SEO factors. I don’t think many actually pass link juice but they can help in SERP for some keyword phrases if designed right.

    By adding different features to the directory I think it will succeed and attract some attention.

    Regarding the blog design it would be fine for certain types of content. The large, powerful text looks good for certain types of bloggers (style meets cool content).

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