15 thoughts on “Do You Find Snowflakes That Are Falling On a Webpage Distracting Or Pretty?

  1. I’ve had enough of the stuff already….. don’t make me watch it snow when I’m trying to read a blog page. Very distracting, and a constant reminder of why I hate winter!


  2. They are so distracting and make me actually leave the web page. Internet users do come to web pages don’t tend to want anything distracting going on. We are supposed to be reading content so taking any chance of distracting people is obviously a no-no.

  3. I dont like it and i dont use it.
    It ads more JS so more variables to possible conflicts and its distracting.
    I think a background or logo change its whay batter and give a more “pro” look to things. For people who has time and/or resources a template change or costumisation its fine also.

    I add a simple “christmas hat” in one of my sites, im aware its not very good but i took-me 2 or 3 min.. Can check in http://www.arouca.biz

    Keep up the good work Jeff and sorry the bad English

  4. In general, it is not so good and professional. But if it is a special day – like some festival, or blog’s birthday or anything special occasion, its ok. On a regular manner, one should not practice that…

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