Blogging on the Go With the WordPress iPhone Application

WordPress, creators of one of the most popular publishing platforms, has released an iPhone application that allows users to post content onto WordPress blogs by way of the iPhone. It is available on the 3G iPhone, first-generation iPhone, and iPod Touch. It is also free, and we all like free stuff. This really marks another forward step in mobile blogging technology. and self-installed WordPress 2.5.1 or higher can take advantage of the WordPress iPhone application. You can embed pictures and do many other popular functions that is available on the web-based interface. Early reviews seem to give praise to the application, but one of WordPress’s main competitors, TypePad (by the folks who brought you MovableType—Six Apart), has also created an iPhone application, which has been highly praised as well.

It would be very interesting to see how many people actually take advantage of the WordPress iPhone application. Perhaps WordPress will reveal some numbers in the future.

I still have a few questions: can anyone accurately type on the iPhone’s keyboard, and will this be used for anything other than short blurbs on WordPress blogs?

There is a great FAQ available on the official site, but I guess you’ll just have to try it for yourself.

I, unfortunately, cannot comment heavily on this, but if any of you have an iPhone, let us know if the WordPress iPhone application is any good.

5 thoughts on “Blogging on the Go With the WordPress iPhone Application

  1. I just downloaded this app for my new Iphone I just got on eBay, and it really has a clean feel to it just like the WordPress online you use for blogs and such. It would be a real great way to post on your blog if your always on the go.

  2. Get a 3G iPhone, you won’t regret it!

    The software quirks will be ironed out shortly and the iPhone is really a paradigm shift for mobile phones (like the original Macs was for DOC PCs).

    Truly amazing (or should I say incredibly great )

  3. Haha, good luck, and I think that is a perfect example of the iPhone with WordPress being a great tool to have around.

  4. For most of my sites, it will be mostly for drafting ideas and making tweaks. However, it could be a very useful tool for a couple of my blogs.

    One in particular comes to mind (, since it’s been more of a pain to post (and I haven’t posted at all in months). It’s essentially a site where I point out dumb things I see (misspelled signs, etc). With the built-in photo capture/upload, it makes it a one-step process. If I see something dumb, I can snap a picture and post it right away.

    Now I just need to find some dumb stuff…

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