I don’t know about your experience, but the real-time updates of Facebook and the massive Twitter community seem to have lessened the value of blog comments. Wait, scratch that. I’d be more inclined to say that Twitter and Facebook have made it easier for marketers to call for comments.
I say this under the premise that numerous PR agencies have “decided” that comments have been the most obvious sign of a strong following. Can’t blame them — as many blogs do not publish their feed count nor share stats publicly. Above the surface, it’s really just about the comments. But you’ve also noticed that ever since the social media echosphere was created, we’re seeing more engagement on these networks more than the blogs.
As a blogger, do you give a hierarchy to value depending on where you receive comments?
Of course, another way to look at it is that your social network demographic is different from your blog readership.
Do comments still bear the same weight as they did before? Or have they been saturated by the social echo chamber.
Or, is this writer approaching the question the wrong way?
Привет, интересная инфа, я бы написал по английски, но клавиатура,только на русском :(((
А информация очень интересная
Nothing helped me yet. Be it Facebook or Twitter followers.
Most important part here is saving time.
If anyone have more ideas then please post in.
Hello, Why is it just so rude? She expressed her opinion and her colleagues only in their comments, I totally agree with her
your profile with important suggestion is very enthusiastic and helpful for us because it’s belongs some important techniques for website building.
Nothing helped me yet. Be it Facebook or Twitter followers.
Most important part here is saving time.
If anyone have more ideas then please post in.
I’m still a relatively new blogger but I have made it part of my plan to visit as many IM blogs as I can, not only picking up some valuable information but also to leave comments such as this.
I can’t comment on whether they bear the same weight as they once did but it is already a vitally important part of my business building plan. Not only does commenting get my name out there in the IM world but perhaps people will follow me back to my own blog and have a look at what I have to say. The fact that in the last couple of weeks I have gained many new comments is a testimony to this plan.
And by doing this I have started to gain some momentum. I comment, others comment back so I comment some more. This builds traffic, I gain some credibility and I have also started to build relationships. Plus its a far more permanent process. I hope that this comment will still be here several months from now but a social media post is gone and forgotten in a few moments.
So if anyone is reading this, please come over and comment on my blog to show that this method still has a place.
Andy Michaels