This is a search experiment/tutorial using the term tartans. I’m basically taking the term pair tartan/tartans and leading you through the process of creating a page that might rank well for the term.
Obviously, since this is a search tutorial, it’s not going to be as semantically optimized for the term “tartan” as I’d like, but that is ok. It’s only meant as an example, and is certainly not fleshed out as thoroughly as I’d do in a real world situation. The goal is just to give you a structural overview for creating a solid resource landing page.
So, the first thing I like to do when creating a landing page for the search engines is to be liberal with my use of H2 tags. So why not get started?
Some Great Tartan Images
Now some of you American readers might be wondering what a tartan is. Well, tartans are basically plaid patterns, most commonly found on fabric. They are most commonly found in Scotland, Ireland and Britain. The most familiar use of tartans are as kilts (i.e. the guys in Braveheart)
If you look closely, you’ll notice a plaid brown pattern in Mel Gibson’s uniform for the movie.
Today, tartan’s tend to be more colorful and are used for sport, hobby and fashion:
As you can see, tartans are used in kilts for hunting, bagpipe playing and most popular of all, in celebrations like weddings. But tartans aren’t reserved for men. In fact, the tartan skirt was just featured on American Idol season 7 last night:
As you can tell, one of my strategies for nailing search on a term is using plenty of images with good descriptive alt text. But let’s not stop with tartan images. There’s lots more to do.
Various Uses For Tartans
Tartans are commonly used for vests, kilts, scarfs, table cloths, and many other fabric items. But you’d be amazed at the other uses that people have found for tartans. In fact, just the other day I came across an article that listed 10 (in my view) Crazy Uses of Tartan. From plaid limos to plaid sheep, the tartan seems to be taking over.
Some Tartan Videos
The Tartan Terrors Comedy Show
Scotland’s Tartan Day Football Match
After some fairly solid information and images, I like to throw in some semantically related video…as you can see above;-) And finally, I’ll end things by listing some authoritative and trusted resources on the topic of tartans.
Information and Resources on Tartans
What is a tartan? Ask Wikipedia.
Scottish Tartan Authority Charity
Scottish Tartans
Tartans of Scotland
WOW !!!Tartan has colonized the world…Tartan contains everything you ever wanted to know about this most radical and most traditional of fabrics.Hollywood has to sustain the romantic fictions of tartan….
Saw this pic and thought of your tartan article…
Purple tartan plaid wedding dress, complete with eyepatch and antlers?!
In addition to a sprinkling of the target phrase in the post, some great comments can help with natural language searches, the long tail stuff that you might never think of. I love to visit Scotland and always laugh when tourists are desperate to find their “clan” tartan and end up trying to convince each other of their heritage while buying up some random weave