Okay it happens. You and your blog have been together for a while. You see each other day after day. It’s not that you don’t care, but . . . um . . . the sex has gone out of your relationship and you both have just accepted that as the way things are.
What? Next thing you know, you’ll be cheating on your blog, guest posting and a having a grand time on other blogs while your blog sits at home. Surely this blog relationship can be saved.
5 Things to Spice Up Your Relationship with Your Blog
Ah, remember when you wrote that first post and you hit publish. It was love. You can feel that again. Here are 10 things you can do to put the romance back into your relationship with your blog.
- Change the header. Changing the header is like getting a blog makeover. You’ll feel like a whole new publisher. Go for a radical difference. It will wake you up to new ideas. It will get the attention of new readers.
- Find 5 ways to clean up things. In fact, clean up all of those things that have been irritating you for some time now. Clean out the closets. Open the windows and let some fresh air go through. Fresh air brings fresh ideas.
- Do 5 days of beginning blogger behavior. Read only blogs you’ve never read before. Take time to comment on every one that says something that you find interesting. Go back to your blog, and post on the new ideas that you found.
- Invite 5 bloggers to guest post. Ask them each to post one a week for five days in a row. Have them post on grand ideas — ask them questions such as what they want to be when they grow up.
- Rewrite your first 5 blog posts. i know this sounds silly. But if you go read them, you’ll see how much history you and your blog have together, and what a great pair you make. Otherwise, how could you possibly have grown so much, and gotten all of the readers, you have since then?
Besides, after a closer look, isn’t your blog just that much nicer than the blog next door?
Liz Strauss
Hi There Everyone;
I am new to Blogging, first day. But I see it as an opportunity to improve my writing and connect with fellow
writers. I taught dance for over twenty years, and just like dance you have to find the love of why you do it everyday.
And writing is that now for me. Daily plies, stretches and new aches and when I am done with sitting, I have to really stretch. Thanks for keeping me on my toes.
Hi There Everyone;
I am new to Blogging, first day. But I see it as an opportunity to improve my writing and connect with fellow
writers. I taught dance for over twenty years, and just like dance you have to find the love of why you do it everyday.
And writing is that now for me. Daily plies, stretches and new aches and when I am done with sitting, I have to really stretch. Thanks for keeping me on my toes.
Love “Romancing the Blog” I’m going to head over to my blog now and re-write those first five. Wow, it’s been a while.
Hi Rae!
No worries! You’re in for the movie, pre and post production and all of the sequels. Heh he.
Heheheh – always glad to be of service/inspiration in any way 😉
And forget not to sign me up for updates on the production development as well, haha!
Rae (still giggling… 😉 )
How nicely you have explained this relationship! Only if my blog was my GF! j/k Anyways, I’ve been following #2 idea since March 2007 and find it pretty useful.
Poignant! That made me think “Can this relationship be saved! Stayed for our next episode of “How the Blog Turns.” Thank you so much Rae.
As always, extremely poignant, useful(!) and fantastically-written – and with your stellar charm and wit to boot 😉 Love your writing/’work’
Thanks again, Liz!
I can’t wait to see where you go with the idea. I’ll be listening for the sounds too you know!!
Ok Liz, deal, i’ll work on that! As soon as i have something i’ll let you know!
Yeah, Jonathan,
You’re right one more thing and this girl is likely to fall over. I’ll let you make the movie. If you do, we’ll show it at SOBCon for sure.
Hey Liz! “Romancing The Blog”! You know what? that is an awesome idea!! I’m sure youtube, break and digg users would love this!
But that would be addding one more thing to your to do list hehe
I’m so jazzed that you found this one fun and useful. I think we’ll have to make a movie, “Romancing the Blog.”
“Rewrite your first 5 posts”.. umm interesting idea, before replying to your post i just went back to my blog, read my first 5 posts and i must say i improved my writing a lot since those first 5 (well a lot because of you!), when i started i wasnt’ sure of what to write about, how to format the text and all.. but there’s always room for improvement, so yeah, i think you’re absolutely right! Those 5 tips can definatly help bring the “romance” back between you and your blog!
Great post, as always, Liz!