Blog About What You Love, The Money Will Follow

Any of you who write – or plan to write – more than one blog probably know what it’s like to chase topics around to blog about. Since I launched my problogging-in-training career last June, I’ve mostly ignored those topics that I know about the most and thus can write about the most passionately. Even though I check my blog/ web site statistics regularly to see how my blogs are doing, I didn’t consciously realize I was ignoring the topics with the most potential, for me, until recently.

Years ago, my father gave me a book, by American author Dr. Marsha Sinetar, called Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow. After reading that book a few times, I bought several copies and gave them away to friends. It’s one of those few gems of writing that are truly inspirational, timeless, and widely applicable to anyone who is having trouble settling on a career, or thinking of a change. It’s level-headed and doesn’t build up false hope.

The book has served me in good stead several times during my willing and unwilling career changes. It’s helped me have the courage to launch a print magazine (now defunct), as well as send my writing out to editors, with a fair bit of success, including international magazines, a book, and the front page of the technology section of a national newspaper (in Canada).

I re-read the book regularly every few years, including recently. In the past few months, I’ve cast my blogging net wide in terms of topics I’ve been writing about, hoping that I could find a few that might spell a relaunch of my writing career, which has suffered fits and starts. Cracking this book open again has helped remind me that when you do what you love, you are passionate it about it. People feel that passion, whether they realize it or not, and therefore not only return but bring their friends.

If you have the patience, you can carve out a career – assuming that there is a market for what you are doing, or that you can create a market. However, Dr Sinetar does say that your passion itself will often help create the market; although it may take time. With the Internet as a delivery vehicle, this is more true for niche topics than ever before. While you may not necessarily make 5-figures per month in ad and affiliate revenue or product sales, I still strongly feel that you can eventually carve out a career blogging. That is, provided you put in the necessary effort, and have the patience to nurture your project until it starts to bear fruit, and well beyond.

And in case you haven’t yet figured out the true value of regularly checking your web statistics and absorbing what they are telling you, it’s as much to give you hope and motivation as to keep track of the health of your blogs. As proof of what I am saying, I’ve noticed that most of my active blogs are steadily showing improvement in both traffic and ad revenue. They don’t make very much money yet, but my analysis of the statistics suggests that they could by late this year or early next year. Those blogs that are not showing any improvement after 1 year will either be incorporated into related blogs, revamped, or possibly ditched altogether. Those that are doing “well”, of course, motivate me to nurture them and thus help improve them even further. It’s a positive cycle that you need to create for yourself.


5 thoughts on “Blog About What You Love, The Money Will Follow

  1. Exactly. So dare to dream. If you are just starting to blog, seriously consider what it is about life that interests you. If you have already started blogging, are you happy with the topics? Yes? Wonderful. No? Maybe there’s something you used to enjoy doing but have forgotten about.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with this. Sometimes it is easy to forget that in the large part we do actually have time on our side. Sure it is hard to stop yourself from dreaming of the quick buck – but if you are committed and passionate then with time it will all come!

    Great post Raj – I’m definitely going to look up that book.

  3. However, Dr Sinetar does say that your passion itself will often help create the market; although it may take time.

    The Internet is the great leveler. Because of its low cost of entry, someone with a mission can compete in a niche that they themselves may have created. These niches will grow in number and will be dominated by the committed, who have a better shot than the hired guys.

    I first thought about this when I read about Steve Rubel going to Edelman to work with corporate blogging. He and his colleagues will have to work hard to find bloggers who can rise to the level of committed and passionate entrepreneurs.

    And you are right, Markus, it takes time.

  4. When you did that work, were you on contract? If so, did you have a link to your own official site? I presume that you would still be able to benefit from all that extra traffic. At worst, you know that slow, steady traffic growth is a given that you can build upon in numerous ways.

  5. Raj, I like that emotional approach. I love most to be lazy and to start the day with things like commenting on performancing instead of doing my ‘business’. I hope the members and business plans still to come will help me getting a five figure income from that 🙂

    One big truth in your article is the ‘be patient’ and the ‘don’t push it too hard’ aspect in Internet publishing. If you do it the steady way style it is going to pay off in the future pretty sure.

    I started a news portal for a photo agency a couple of years ago and used it pretty much only to re-publish the company’s newsletters. It wasn’t much work and it looked pretty good. After about one year after the start Google visitors started to roll in steadily and the site produced like two to four new clients for the company every month just by the ‘I found your pictures on the Internet’ factor. I had reached a steadily growing keyword cloud of about 200 to 300 monitored keywords which were on page one in the Google SERPs. The sad end is that the company fired me and shortly after that closed down the news portal 🙁

    I still have about 960 links in Google when searching and 2.740 when searching for If I compare it with what they are offering today it is just making me want to vomit. The company just didn’t see the potential of building that platform for gaining revenue in the long run 🙁

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