After yesterday’s post on social media being key to blog marketing, there’s a certain irony in reading an article which suggest that Facebook is killing blogging.
Of course, this is just one opinion amidst many, and the “x is killing y” argument is eternal, but it’s an interesting point of view.
What seems to be happening is that people maintaining personal blogs are blogging directly less, but sharing more via Twitter and Facebook.
After all, although personal blogs can build up a large following, many are most avidly read by closer friends — the sort of people who are likely to be Facebook contacts.
When it comes to professional blogging, though, the POV in yesterday’s article suggests that social networks are in fact a vital method of drawing people to blogs, not away from them, and building loyalty.
Blogging platforms and the exact style of blogging may change (Steve Rubel has switched to Posterous, but is still blogging, albeit in a more punchy, multimedia-rich style) but niche, “cause” blogging itself still seems to be alive and well.
There may well be a downturn in certain blog sectors, but there’s sure to be another subject area surging ahead with inspiring, passionate blogs.
Facebook may well be the current big thing for the casual Internet user to share his or her thoughts with a close-knit community, but blogging is so much bigger than that.
I don’t think it’s under threat.
What do you think?
.Facebook is not killing blogs. Facebook is merely another distribution and consumption mechanism and actually streamlines the consumption of blog content.It also is another way that bloggers can make much deeper connections and conversations with their readers.
I agree that Facebook is no threat to blogs. Social networking is for keeping in touch with friends and doesn’t interfere with blogging. I believe that the two will both continue to flourish.
I also think that Brandon is right..
I think it depends on the concept of the blog. Personal blogs (i.e. blogs that discuss person’s daily life) make less sense with Facebook and Twitter, because they cover the same ground. I started a blog because it seemed the quickest and easiest way to write about my increasingly longer thoughts about Syracuse past and present in a public forum. The blog is now for the more researched topics, and Twitter for passing thoughts when I read headlines, etc.
I agree with Brandon. I think this is also to secure every user of Facebook. I salute Facebook for this changes 🙂
Personally, I think social media is enhancing blogs, not killing them. We just have to adjust to a new kind of integration and marketing strategy.