Success in the Business of Blogging is More than Passion

Over the last four years, I have watched as many successful bloggers stopped blogging, and new bloggers took their place. Having success in the business of blogging requires more than passion, and I think that is something far too few people make sure to mention.

If you want to have a successful business where your primary product is your blog, then you might want to think long and hard before you dive in.

Creating a business from blogging is like any other business. You need to think about what you are trying to build, and come up with a plan to get there.

Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas
If you can write down an idea map, or even just a procedural list of your goals and how you want to accomplish them, you’ll be further along than many. Giving yourself clear points of comparison is key. While many people become successful by accident, there are just as many that do so because they know what they want.

I consider myself fairly successful in the niche that I targeted, but the wider web audience don’t know me from Adam. The reason for this is that I wasn’t trying to make myself successful and well-known in all niches, but instead, I focused in, and since the competition was less in the niche I chose, I was able to make great strides and earned enough community clout and success to keep myself employed for the past four years.

Network, network, NETWORK!
If there is one tip regarding business success that I enjoy giving out, it is to network with others. I feel like I go back and forth between being an introvert and an extrovert, but in the end, I have met many people, and connected with my fair share. I can pull out an e-mail list of network connections, and if I’ve done things right, I can get more than a few of them to help me out, give ideas or feedback, and even help promote my work. Network connections can mean the difference between getting your site, business or idea in front of a few hundred and a few hundred thousand.

Timing and Luck
With success, there is always an “X-Factor”. You can do everything right, and keep within budgets, meet metrics, and never see the doubling effect growth curve that some of your competitors might see, and that is because there is something to be said for luck and timing.

Many people recognize the name Jeff Chandler within the WordPress circle of enthusiasts, and I would hazard a guess that more recognize his name than my own. I’ve been using and talking about WordPress since I began, four years ago, while Jeff is relatively new to the software and the community. What he was able to do in such a short amount of time was bring a community and brand around himself in a way that I’ve never been able to do. I’ve had more people recognize me as the co-host of his successful podcast, than for any of the other projects I’ve ever done.

Other Factors
Of course there are many other factors regarding success in the business of blogging, and for each person, the goals or point of success might be different, but what far too many people forget is that blogging can be a business, and like any business there is more to it than just creating a product, or being a service. Marketing, network connections, skill, timing, luck, and a savvy mind can help your business go a long way.

8 thoughts on “Success in the Business of Blogging is More than Passion

  1. I agree that passion and energy should be maintained. And to do this, planning for short-term and long-term “what should it be?” should be done to ensure a blogger’s direction. That’s why, before we start, we should need first to define where are we going to.

  2. I’ve just launched my new blog, great words of wisdom for a new blogger in the industry. I’m trying to target Gen Y’ers, or the millennial generation. Would love to get your opinion on what you see so far!

  3. I agree with most of the comment that blogging is difficult. But i guess it would not be as difficult as it is if you have the skill in writing. Skill means you always have fresh and unique ideas and talent putting your thoughts into words. Passion comes along too. Any work you are doing, if you do it because you love it you would not get tired of doing it. And don’t forget, dedication to your work.

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  4. Blogging is about targeting the right group as you said, but first and foremost it’s about fresh ideas, nice style of writting and being consistent. Maybe that’s the biggest problem with some bloggers. You have to devote a great deal of time and contribute regularly. Sometimes you may also simply run out of new ideas. Anyway it’s not that easy as most of us probably know.

  5. And it is hard :/

    First, it is hard to get the recognition for the work you are putting into it…

    Second, we must think constantly about new subjects and about what we should write, as you said. And it must fit within the larger idea of the website.

    Third, we must have a writing style and some edginess.

    It’s very difficult 🙁

    (Chief Editor at – Learn how to make friends with us!)

  6. I wonder why some successful bloggers stop blogging. Did they just change career or move on. I still remember when i commented one blog when i said to him “hope you are still fine, your last post is 3 months ago”.

  7. I also agree that blogging is a difficult business; time and dedication is the key to develop a profitable blog where you can leave your day job. Also strongly agree that niche blogging has more potential to succeed as you are able to always attract your target audience via higher conversion.

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